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Food For Your Raw Food Diet

The inclusion of uncooked, organic or unprocessed food in our daily regime is known as ‘ Raw Food Diet’. It sustains on the fact that cooking destroys the nutritional value and enzymes present in food. To utilise the nutritious benefits of vegetables without cooking them, you can add the following food items to your diet list.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, protein and other vital nutrients. They form the backbone of any raw food diet. Being low in calories, and high in water content, they help in maintaining our health and fitness. Include fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, leafy green vegetables, pineapples, mangoes, carrots, berries, broccoli, celery, radish etc, in your diet list to enjoy the health benefits in the raw form.

Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are a rich source of protein and fiber. Nuts and seeds like almonds, groundnuts, pistachios, hazel nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds etc are a source of omega 3 fatty acids and the much needed essential oils required by the body.You can have these raw as an evening snack or add the seeds to vegetable or fruit salad to enjoy its benefit!

Herbs, Spices and Seasonings: Unprocessed herbs and spices can be included in the raw food diet. Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger root, garlic, black pepper etc can be easily consumed in their raw form. Homemade seasonings of mustard or mayonnaise is also consumable.

Milk and Milk Products: Dairy products like milk, butter, eggs, cheese and yoghurt can be be easily included in the raw food diet. They are healthy and safe for consumption. But still it is better to be selective in one’s choices to avoid any kind of health disorders.

Beverages: Beverages like coffee, tea, alcohol and soda are not a part of raw food diet. But some beverages like coconut water, fruit and vegetable juices, soups etc can be a very healthy component in your diet list.

Others: Other than all the food items mentioned above, there are a few more things like raw honey, jaggery and lemon that can be included in your diet list.

Raw Food Works Wonders: Eating raw food is not only cost effective but, it also provides you better nutrition than the cooked food. Also, it is easily digestible. Raw food items fights aging and improves skin complexion. As the nutrient value of food remains intact, consumption of raw food effectively increases the immunity power of our body, and fights many diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and many more.

Eat healthy not only in order to stay healthy, but also to build a healthy future for yourself and your family members.

Vegetarian, Raw food and Vegan with Bill & Sheila

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