SA grapefruit growers opting for juicing over exports
South African grapefruit sizes are so small this season most producers will be sending them for juicing, to avoid rejection in Northern European and Asian markets.
The year’s crop peak size of 50-55 is too small for the lucrative Japanese market, with only Southern Europe prepared to take this size.
Green Marketing commercial manager Wiekus Hellmann said there was limited opportunity for small fruit.
“We have tried to limit 50-55s to 15% of the fruit going into the market; these sized grapefruits are the ones that come under pressure first.”
He said the Japanese market only takes sizes 35-40s, describing it as a fragile market where it would be inadvisable to oversupply.
“Producers aren’t speculating and sending smaller sizes to export because the options are very limited. They’ve decided to send them for juicing where there’s a lot less risk”
Fruits Unlimited citrus marketing manager Gabriel Malan estimated total crop volumes were down by 20% because of the smaller sized fruit.
“Grapefruits sized 55 will go for juicing. We can still send 40-45s to Europe. We are trying to spread the risk as far as possible.”
His company typically exports 2,250 metric tons (MT) abroad but estimated this season it would be exporting 30% less.
Everseason marketing manager Stiaan Engelbrecht agreed the traditional market was under pressure.
“The fruit is very small.The local grapefrit market is very small, you have to send them to a juicing factory.”
His company typically exports 1,500 metric tons (MT) a year of grapefruit.
A dry South African summer is being attributed to the reason why the majority of this season’s fruit is around the 50-55 size.
According to the Citrus Growers Association figures so far 46% of exports have gone to Europe with 20% to Japan, compared with 36% and 27% respectively last year.
Juicing Guide
This juicing guide can help you achieve a healthy and vibrant life!
Here’s what you’ll discover in the “Power Juicing: The Ultimate Secret to a Healthy and Vibrant Life!” E-Book:
* How to understand the power of home-made juice compared to bottled juice…
* 3 little known, yet simple ways to take advantage of the power of juice…
* Secrets from experts that few people ever know about…
* 3 proven steps to understanding how juice can detoxify and cleanse your body…
* 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to using juice to loose weight…
* WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to juicing…
* You’ll discover in just a few short minutes how to gain energy with juice…
* 6 time tested and proven strategies to lower your blood pressure with the power of juice…
* When to seek professional help when it comes to fasting with juice…
* 7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for using juice to alleviate diabetes…
* A pennies on the dollar approach to seeking medical guidance for sciatic pain…
* How often to fast using juice…
* How to use the power of juice to alleviate asthma…
* The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to have an overall healthier lifestyle with the power of juice…
The book begins with a quick chapter about some of the hidden dangers and downfalls of bottled juices — and the woeful tales of just how few nutrients they contain. And then I’ve included chapters that will not only help you understand why juicing can transform your energy level, but they’ll also help you solve specific health problems and stave off some serious degenerative diseases associated with aging.
In fact, I’ve included a chapter specifically devoted to Power Juicing and anti-aging. Juicing, you’ll soon discover, is an amazing weight loss tool as well.
There is perhaps no quicker route to vibrant health than taking your fruits and vegetables and juicing them.
In increasing numbers, people are taking their nutrition and their health seriously. They have turned to juicing to improve their health, increase their energy, and reduce their chances of developing the common health problems that face society today.
Juicing involves pureeing fresh fruits and vegetables to make a juice or a smoothie. There are several benefits to juicing your daily serving of fruits and vegetables rather then eating them as whole foods. By drinking fresh juice, your body is able to quickly absorb the many vitamins, minerals, and overall nutritional value that fruits and vegetables contain by bypassing the digestion process that is necessary for whole foods. The nourishment of the fruits and vegetables are easily delivered across the intestinal walls and into the blood, where your body can use them right away. Plus, many people prefer to cook their vegetables before they eat them when in actuality, fruits and vegetables are healthier if they are eaten raw. Enzymes that play a key role in your metabolism are mainly found in raw foods. Enzymes convert the food you eat into body tissue and energy, increasing your metabolic rate. In turn, this helps you to burn more calories and leads to weight loss.
Juicing is a simple and great way to optimize your health and energy. The best thing about juicing is that you can change the recipes and create ones that are specific to your needs and tastes. By simply learning about the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that will benefit and treat your specific disorder, disease, or condition, you can create your own scrumptious recipes and power juices to improve your health.
So, go ahead and get your free juicing app today!
Recipes for juicing with Bill & Sheila
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