Raw foods make you beautiful

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Raw foods make you beautiful

Raw foods make you beautiful

Why changing your diet can change your look.

Did you know?

Did you know? Despite not eating dairy, raw food vegetarians offset the risk of bone fracture through a low BMI.

Minerals are one of the keys to beauty and an incredible 95 per cent of our body’s activities involve minerals. Our biochemistry is dependent on our mineral sources and it is easy to provide the body with the essential minerals it needs when we are eating correctly.

The most important beauty minerals are:

  • Silicon, which strengthens the hair, nails and skin.
  • Zinc, which helps rebuild collagen in the body.
  • Iron, to improve circulation, which helps skin tone.
  • Magnesium and potassium, which detoxify and cleanse.

Green plants are our number one food for providing all the minerals we need for superior beauty and nutrition, while simultaneously giving us the vitamins and amino acids we need to build protein.

If we eat greens abundantly and get a good variety of them in our diet, we will get the wide spectrum of minerals we need into our bodies. The best form to eat greens in for their mineral content is raw. This is because some cooking methods, such as boiling, reduce their mineral levels as well as their vitamin content. This is not to suggest that we must eat 100 per cent raw foods. But it does mean we need to increase the percentage of raw greens and vegetables that we consume overall. The green plants that are highest in beauty minerals are: rocket, cucumber, radicchio, bok choy, dandelion, romaine lettuce, broccoli, celery, swiss chard, kale, watercress, mustard greens and wheatgrass. For an added beauty boost, eat organic greens, because minerals enter the plant from the soil and organic soil has a higher mineral content than traditional farming soil.

This is an edited extract from The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder (Harlequin Books, $24.99). On sale now in stores and online at www.harlequinbooks.com.au

Vegetarian, Raw and Vegan with Bill & Sheila

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