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Diet, exercise, weight and fate
Exercise is a component of losing weight, but dieters who exercise can’t eat more and expect to lose weight.
Here are some hard and disheartening facts about obesity and food that are revealed in the documentary “The Weight of the Nation.”
- If your diet has got you down to a particular weight — say, you lose 30 pounds to reach a goal weight of 140 — you will still have to eat 20 percent fewer calories per day in your diet than a person of the same weight and height who has weighed the same all their adult life (this is why maintaining weight loss is so difficult).
- Exercise is a component of losing weight, but often dieters who exercise think they can eat more. However, running one mile — spending perhaps 100 calories — is the equivalent of a medium cookie.
- Sugar-sweetened beverages, including fruit drinks, are the largest source of sugar in the diet of children and adolescents. Many Americans get half their calories each day from sweetened beverages: pop, juice, juice drinks, energy drinks, smoothies, iced coffees, etc. And drinking calories doesn’t provide the sense of satiety that eating food does.
- Many parents think substituting juice for pop is a good idea, yet even a 10-ounce glass of pure juice has only a little vitamin C, along with 10 to 12 teaspoons of sugar. Eat a piece of fruit, and you get fiber and more vitamins, instead of a jolt of concentrated sugar.
- Adult obesity rates have doubled in the past 30 years; for children and adolescents, the rate has more than tripled since 1980.
- Obesity-related health care costs $150 billion annually. An obese person’s care costs $1,400 more a year, on average.
- Only 2 percent of high schools provide daily physical education (Cleveland schools dramatically cut back on the course in their latest round of budget cuts).
- Kids spend an average of 7.5 hours in front of screens, whether watching TV, online, or playing games or texting on their smartphones.
Here’s some good news:
- Losing as little as 5 percent to 7 percent of your weight lowers blood pressure, improves blood-sugar levels and lowers the chance of diabetes by nearly 60 percent in people who are pre-diabetic.
- Building muscle will help raise your metabolism, which is crucial to keeping weight off.
Source: “The Weight of the Nation.”
– Evelyn Theiss
Diet and Weight loss with Bill & Sheila
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