Researchers Find New Use For Onions recommends these products

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Researchers Find New Use For Onions

Studies carried out by doctors and scientists have found that onions have a miraculous quality of attracting bacteria and viruses.

Researchers have proved that placing an unpeeled onion on a dish in a room could prevent people contracting flu as the onion absorbs the bacteria. A woman suffering from pneumonia has been found to have been cured since she placed an onion cut at both ends in an empty jar; and place the jar next to her at night. The onion had been found black in the next morning by absorbing the germs.

Onions and garlic placed around the room are reported to have saved many from the black plague since they have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties. The doctors have also advised that people to avoid eating onions cut left in open air for some time as it would contain absorbed bacteria on it. They say that such onions are poisonous.

Researchers have found that onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions, and people should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. They say it is dangerous to cut an onion and plan to cook it the next day.  The onion becomes highly poisonous, even after a single night, and creates toxic bacteria.  These bacteria may cause adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning They also say that dogs should never eat onions, as their stomachs  cannot metabolize onions.

(Information Department)

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