Barbecue Beef Can Be Enjoyed All Year Long recommends these products

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Barbecue Beef Can Be Enjoyed All Year Long
By: chef rodgers

Beef and barbecue go hand in hand when it comes to summer grilling. No matter if you are barbecue steak, burgers or beef dogs, there is nothing like barbecue beef. The taste and texture can compare to nothing else.

Even in the winter you can get that barbeque taste into your beef by using a slow cooker. You will find lots of info on how to do this on the internet if your cravings get too much for you next winter.

A simple but effective way of beating the barbecue beef blues during winter is the good old beef dog. Try this recipe to add some summer taste.

Take the beef dogs and slice them the long way. Slice about half way through and fill them with thinly sliced cheese. You can also fill them with minced onion, however most children do not like the taste of onions. Wrap each dog with a strip of bacon. You can either put them on the barbecue grill or under the broiler in the oven. The dog is done when the cheese oozes out of the dog. Place them on a bun and you have a gourmet treat that is sure to please even the pickiest eater.

To avoid the dangers of food poisoning you should take precautions when cooking raw meat. Every year thousands are taken seriously ill after eating food from the barbeque.

A tip to remember is never to put your barbecue sauce on raw meat because the sauce will seal the meat and the flavor of the barbecue will not be able to absorb. Also, when you brush the sauce on, you will pass any bacteria that might be on a piece of meat to any others you brush after that.

Some long time barbecue grillers and many competition grillers put their dry rub onto the meat before putting on the barbecue as they argue it gives the best flavor while others will advocate using liquid smoke for best results. Yet others will say use salt, celery, onion and countless other methods. Try your own ideas and see what works for you as the taste is in the taster. What may be a great taste for one person might not work for another.

Many barbecue cooks or grillers heat their sauce and then apply it to the beef when it has been cooking for a while. By doing this you can eliminate some of the time it takes for the meat to reach the required temperature.

When the barbecue beef is done, it should sit for about ten to fifteen minutes to allow it to finish cooking and cool down. This not only makes cutting the meat easier, it also seals in the juices of the meat. Any juices that are left over can be simmered and reduced to make gravy for open-faced sandwiches.
For lots more great barbecue recipes and tips visit The Outdoor Cooking Book. Also for other types and styles of cooking visit Chefs website, The Cooking Book.

Bill & Sheila’s Barbecue

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