Multi-tasking with garden herbs

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Multi-tasking with garden herbs

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Did you know that 80 percent of the world’s population still uses herbs to make medicine?

An even more surprising fact is that some of the most important medicinal herbs are common culinary varieties, such as basil and thyme, and can be found in your kitchen cabinet.

Rosemary Loveall-Sale of Vacaville’s Morningsun Herb Farm has been growing herbs and using them medicinally for 18 years. She says the key to growing vibrant herbs is good drainage, which is achieved by adding organic compost to your soil.

Here are Loveall-Sale’s favorite herbs to grow, plus their medicinal benefits and tips for planting this spring. Always talk with your doctor before taking any herb and check multiple references, such as the Herb Society of America or the American Horticultural Society, for adverse effects.

How to plant

  • Well-drained, sunny sites work well for herbs when the soil is enriched with three to six inches of organic compost. Some herbs, such as mint and dill, thrive in partial shade.

  • To plant, develop a layout, keeping in mind the spreading habits of some herbs and the vertical growth of others. Make a hole in the garden soil large enough for the root ball plus a bit more in diameter.

  • Add slow-release organic fertilizer, then plant the herb with the stem no deeper in the soil than the existing depth. Plant it so water drains away from the main stem.

  • It’s best to water with a sprinkler or with soaker hoses, or use a thorough drip that penetrates deeply. Water should penetrate eight to 12 inches to reach roots.

  • Annual herbs such as basil and parsley should be harvested frequently to maintain their bushiness and prevent flowering. To dry, cut small bunches and place in rubber bands in the shade for three to seven days, or until dry.

    What to plant

  • Italian oregano: There’s a reason you put it in pasta sauce. Oregano aids digestion. You can make a tea by steeping one tablespoon of lightly crushed oregano in boiled water.

  • Rosemary: Sure, you can sprinkle it on potatoes, but rosemary is also said to be great for increasing circulation. Submerge a handful in hot water for five minutes before soaking your feet in it.

  • St. John’s wort: It’s common to dry this weed and turn it into capsules for mild depression. But when infused into olive oil and massaged on the joints, the herb’s yellow flowers help ease arthritis pain.

  • Lavender: Among the most popular herbs for relaxation and headaches, lavender is also a hemostatic, meaning that it can stop bleeding on contact. Try a lavender essential oil on your next cut.

  • Stinging nettle: Like that other immunity-stimulating weed, echinacea, stinging nettle is said to aid in respiration and be good for nasal allergy relief.

    Next week

    Learn about irrigation for your garden with Master Gardener Steve Griffin, who designed the system used by Our Garden.

    Our Garden classes are at 10 a.m. Wednesdays at the Contra Costa Times building, 2640 Shadelands Drive, Walnut Creek. Classes are free.

    Master Gardeners also are on hand to answer questions, diagnose sick plants and identify pests.

    free herbal education

    Morningsun Herb Farm celebrates its 17th annual Open House from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 12 with free talks and demonstrations, samples of herbal teas and treats, and herbal vendors and educators. The farm is located at 6137 Pleasant Valley Road, Vacaville. 707-451-9406.

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