Raw milk possible source of E. coli bacteria outbreak in central Missouri
A 2-year-old from Boone County is hospitalized with an E. coli bacterial infection that may have been caused by drinking raw milk, health officials said today.
Five people from central Missouri have been sickened by the same E. coli bacterial strain in late March and early April, the state health department reported in an alert to doctors on Thursday.
All three patients from Boone County, including the 2-year-old, reported consuming raw (unpasteurized) dairy products, according to a county health spokeswoman.
The other cases are in Cooper and Howard counties, state health officials said. It is unknown if raw milk has been tied to those cases.
In addition to the 2-year-old, a 17-month-old has also developed life-threatening complications affecting the kidneys. Several more cases are considered suspected E. coli infections and may be added to the total after further testing.
The Missouri health department is investigating the cases and has not pinpointed the source of the bacteria.
Symptoms of E. coli infection include severe stomach cramping and bloody diarrhea that starts within 10 days of consuming contaminated food or water. Most illnesses resolve within a week, although young children and older adults are more susceptible to kidney failure.
There were 93 disease outbreaks linked to raw milk in the U.S. from 1998 to 2009. People should only consume pasteurized milk products that have been refrigerated at 40 degrees or cooler, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Last fall, 58 people including 38 in Missouri and nine in Illinois were sickened in an E. coli outbreak that was linked to romaine lettuce from salad bars at nine Schnucks locations. Health investigators believe the lettuce became contaminated at an unidentified farm that supplies produce to the stores.
Health officials recommend thoroughly cooking all meats, washing fruits and vegetables and practicing good hand hygiene to lower the risk of contracting the illness.
Vegetarian, Raw milk and Vegan with Bill & Sheila
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