Desserts - Apple and Apricots

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Desserts Apple and Apricots

We were browsing through our databases this morning, removing duplicate copies and deleting a few recipes that had bits missing, when we came across these two desserts that had not seen the light of day for some time.

Both of these desserts contain our favourite fruits, apples and apricots. We grow these in our garden, so we are always on the lookout of new ways to use them. I think you will also like these two desserts – Apple pie and Apricot cream desserts


2 ½ cups plain flour
1/3 cup icing sugar
185g butter
1/3cup water, approximately
1 egg white, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon castor sugar

6 large apples, sliced
1/3 cup sugar
½ cup water

1/3 cup custard powder
1/3 cup sugar
1 ½ cups milk
1/3 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons brandy
2 teaspoons grated orange rind

Pastry: Sift flour and icing sugar in bowl, rub in butter. Add enough water to mix to firm dough. Roll out two-thirds of pastry on lightly floured surface till large enough to line base and slightly overlap side of a 20cm spring-form tin. Spoon filling into pastry case. Roll out remaining pastry, brush edge of pie with egg white, cover with pastry. Press edges of pastry together firmly, trim. Cut a few slits in top of pastry, brush with remaining eggwhite, sprinkle with castor sugar.

Bake in moderately hot oven 20 minutes, reduce heat to moderate, bake further 30 minutes or until golden brown. Stand 30 minutes before removing from tin. Serve hot or cold with sauce.

Apple Filling: Place apples in saucepan with sugar and water, bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer 10 minutes (or microwave on HIGH for about 5 minutes) or until tender; cool to room temperature.

Citrus Sauce: Combine custard powder and sugar in saucepan, stir in milk and orange juice, stir constantly over heat (or microwave on HIGH for about 3 minutes) until mixture boils and thickens, stir in brandy and rind.


Desserts can be made a day ahead of serving. Recipe unsuitable to freeze or microwave.

1kg apricots
1 cup castor sugar
1 cup water
1/3 cup castor sugar, extra
1 tablespoon gelatine
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup passionfruit pulp
300mI carton thickened cream

Peel apricots, halve and remove stones. Combine sugar and water in saucepan, stir constantly over heat, without boiling, until sugar is dissolved. Add apricots, bring to the boil, reduce heat, simmer for about 10 minutes, without stirring, until apricots are tender. Remove apricots from syrup, reserve syrup and 8 apricot halves for the top of the dessert.

Blend or process remaining apricots until smooth. Beat eggs and extra sugar with electric mixer or rotary beater in top half of double saucepan or heatproof bowl over simmering water until thick, transfer to large bowl; cool. Sprinkle gelatine over lemon juice, dissolve over hot water, cool to room temperature; do not allow to set.

Stir apricots into egg mixture with gelatine mixture, passionfruit and cream. Pour into a lightly oiled 20cm ring pan, cover, refrigerate overnight. Turn onto serving plate, top with reserved apricots and syrup.

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