Potatoes - a useful barbecue accompaniment

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Potatoes – a useful barbecue accompaniment

Bubble and squeak is a traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables and potatoes from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potatoes and cabbage, but carrots, peas, brussels sprouts, and other vegetables can be added. The cold chopped vegetables (and cold chopped meat if used) are fried in a pan together with mashed potatoes or crushed roast potatoes until the mixture is well-cooked and brown on the sides. It is often served with cold meat from the Sunday roast, and pickles.

The meat was traditionally added to the bubble and squeak itself, although nowadays it is more commonly made without meat. The earliest known recipe was by Maria Rundell in 1806.

The name comes from the bubble and squeak sounds made as it cooks. The name bubble and squeak is used throughout the United Kingdom, and it may also be understood in parts of some other Commonwealth countries and the United States.

Bubble and squeak was a popular dish during World War II, as it was an easy way of using leftovers during a period when most foods were subject to rationing. In more recent times, pre-prepared frozen and tinned versions have become available.

But there are other potato based recipes which can be used as accompaniments at barbecues. Here are a few to get you interested.


leftover baked or boiled vegetables can be used with the potatoes in this recipe, if desired.

4 medium (800g) old potatoes, peeled
2 medium (240g) carrots
250g peeled pumpkin
1 large (200g) onion, chopped
1 cup (125g) frozen peas
1 cup (80g) shredded cabbage
30g butter
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Boil, steam or microwave potatoes until tender; drain, mash, cool. Cut carrots and pumpkin into 2cm pieces. Cook carrots, pumpkin, onion, peas and cabbage separately in pan of boiling water until tender; drain. Combine mashed potato with all vegetables in bowl; mix well. Heat butter and oil in 32cm flying pan; add vegetable mixture, press down with egg slice, cook, without stirring, until browned underneath. Cut into serving pieces, using egg slice, turn pieces over, cook until browned on other side. Serves 6.


4 large (1.2kg) yellow-fleshed potatoes, peeled
100g butter, melted
salt, pepper

Cut potatoes into very thin slices, pat dry with absorbent paper. Brush butter generously over 23cm round enamel-coated cast iron pan with sloping sides, or ovenproof pie plate. Place a layer of overlapping potato slices over base of prepared pan, brush with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Repeat layering until all slices are used, ending with butter.

Cover with foil, bake in hottest part of very hot oven 20 minutes. Remove foil, bake further 30 minutes or until top is crisp and golden brown and potatoes are cooked through. Tum onto plate, cut into wedges to serve. Serves 6.


4 medium (800g) old potatoes, peeled, chopped
3 egg yolks
50g soft butter
1 egg yolk, extra

Boil, steam or microwave potatoes until tender; drain. Return potatoes to pan, stir over heat 1 minute or until potatoes are very dry. Push potatoes through a sieve. Stir in egg yolks and butter; mix well. Place potato mixture into piping bag fitted with 1.5cm star tube, pipe small swirls onto greased oven trays. Brush lightly with extra egg yolk. Bake in hot oven about 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Serves 6 to 8.


4 large (1.2kg) old potatoes

Scrub potatoes well. Pierce skin in several places with fork or skewer. Place potatoes onto oven shelves. Bake in moderately hot oven about 1 hour or until tender. Serve with topping of your choice.


1 bunch (250g) fresh asparagus
40g butter
2 tablespoons plain flour
1 1/2 cups (375ml) milk
1 cup (125g) grated tasty cheddar cheese
1/4 cup (20g) flaked almonds, toasted

Cut asparagus into 4cm lengths; boil, steam or microwave until tender. Heat butter in pan, stir in flour, stir over heat until mixture is bubbly. Remove from heat, gradually stir in milk, stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat, stir in cheese. Divide asparagus between potatoes, top with cheese sauce and sprinkle with nuts.


1/4 cup (60mI) white vinegar
6 black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
125g butter
2 egg yolks
few drops lemon juice
1 teaspoon chopped drained capers
1 tablespoon French mustard
4 eggs, poached

Combine vinegar, peppercorns and bay leaf in pan, simmer, uncovered, until liquid is reduced by half, strain; reserve liquid. Beat butter in small bowl of electric mixer until creamy. Whisk egg yolks with a little of the butter in heatproof bowl over pan of simmering water; stir in reserved liquid. Stir until mixture just begins to thicken. Whisk in remaining butter in teaspoonful’s, whisking constantly until all the butter has been added; whisk in lemon juice, capers and mustard. Place an egg on each potato; top with hollandaise sauce.


1 teaspoon olive oil
3 bacon rashers, chopped
1/2 medium (100g) red pepper
1 medium (250g) avocado
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/4 cup (60ml) sour cream
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 drops Tabasco sauce

Heat oil in pan, add bacon, cook, stirring, until crisp; drain on absorbent paper. Cut pepper into thin strips. Place avocado in bowl, mash roughly with a fork. Stir in garlic, cream, juice and sauce. Divide
avocado mixture between potatoes, top with bacon and pepper.


1/2 cup (125ml) sour cream
1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon sugar
200g smoked salmon slices

Combine cream, dill, juice and sugar in bowl; mix well. Divide salmon between potatoes, top with cream mixture.


50g butter
3 medium (450g) onions, sliced
2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 cup (150g) chopped cooked chicken

Heat butter in pan, add onions and sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, about 20 minutes or until onions are soft and browned. Divide chicken between potatoes, top with onions.


250g chorizo sausage, sliced
425g can tomatoes, drained, chopped
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
80g packet garlic and herb cheese spread

Cook sausage in dry pan about 3 minutes or until heated through; drain on absorbent paper. Combine tomatoes, sugar and vinegar in small bowl; mix well. Divide sausage and cheese spread between potatoes, top with tomato mixture.


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium (150g) onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
350g minced beef
425g can tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil
1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano
1/2 cup (100g) canned red kidney beans, rinsed, drained
1/2 cup (50g) grated mozzarella cheese

Heat oil in pan, add onion and garlic, cook, stirring, until onion is soft. Add mince, cook, stirring, over high heat until mince is browned. Add undrained crushed tomatoes, paste and herbs, simmer, covered, about 20 minutes or until mince is tender and mixture thickens slightly. Add beans, cook, stirring, until hot. Divide between potatoes, top with cheese.


1 small (80g) onion, grated
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup (125ml) sour cream
1/2 cup (60g) grated tasty cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives

Cut tops off potatoes, carefully scoop out most of the flesh with a spoon, leaving skin intact. Combine hot potato with ingredients in bowl. Spoon mixture back into potato shells.
Each recipe serves 4.

Grow your own fruit and vegetables with Bill & Sheila

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