Dessert recipes for Passover and Easter
When daylight lingers a little longer into evening and snowbirds trek north, spring has arrived in South Florida. And with it comes a chance for families and friends to share in Easter and Passover celebrations.
Whether you serve glazed ham with candied yams after church on Easter Sunday or your favorite matzo ball soup and a fork-tender brisket for a Passover Seder, chances are you have traditional recipes that are family favorites. But when it comes to dessert, you may want to discover some new traditions.
For Easter ideas we visit with Miguel Aguilar, executive chef at the Wynwood Bar Kitchen in Miami. He takes us back to his childhood in Venezuela when he offers his recipe for Coconut Upside Down Cake With Whiskey Caramel Sauce.
And we get Passover inspiration from Diane Ziegler-Hoffman of Pompano Beach. She creates decadent as well as healthful baked goods that she sells under the name Fun With Food. Her delectable Soufflé Nut Roll with Strawberries and Chocolate Ganache as well as her Favorite Chocolate Macaroons can be made kosher for Passover, but they also work for Easter and for people who want to eat gluten-free.
Ziegler-Hoffman is known at the Deerfield and Pompano Beach farmer’s markets for the baked goods she sells from under her blue canopy. Regulars line up for her traditional baked goods as well as her gluten-free, organic and vegan offerings.
But for her family’s Passover Seder, her baking celebrates tradition. Her favorite holiday dessert is a Souffle Nut Roll made with ground pecans. She got the recipe from her mother. and it’s become a Passover favorite with her husband, Dwight, and 11-year-old daughter, Sarah.
“On this holiday, I like the foods we get to eat, and I like having my family close,” Ziegler-Hoffman says.
She inherited her love of cooking and baking from her mother, Barbara, who taught popular cooking classes in Pompano Beach during the 1970s and ’80s. A Holocaust survivor who died in 2004 at age 85, Barbara was a good cook who took time to present a meal well.
For Passover, she would use an embroidered or lace tablecloth and off-white china with a silver rim. These are heirlooms Ziegler-Hoffman uses to this day to serve her mother’s soufflé cake.
“This cake seems like it’s just fluff and air, but that makes it even more delectable,” she says.
She’s added her own touches to the ethereal cake by rolling it with a fluffy nondairy whipped filling folded with plenty of fresh strawberries. And she tops it with a thick, rich layer of chocolate ganache.
In keeping with Passover tradition, the cake is flourless and leavened with egg whites. And it doesn’t contain dairy products so it can be served with a kosher meal that includes meat.
For something a bit less showy but equally lush and flavorful, try Diane’s Best Chocolate Macaroons.
“These cookies are my number one best seller at markets,” says Ziegler-Hoffman who also hosts cooking classes and children’s parties in private homes.
Although the macaroons are richly decadent with plenty of coconut and chocolate, they contain no flour, butter or leavening.
When Easter rolls around, executive chef Miguel Aguilar of the Wynwood Kitchen Bar in Miami thinks of his childhood in Merida, Venezuela. In particular, he remembers Semana Santa or Holy Week stretching from Palm Sunday to Easter.
Dessert Recipes with Bill & Sheila
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