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Barbecue Desserts

We always finish our barbecues or parties with a nice presentation from a selection of wonderful desserts loaded with fruit which is season. And here in Spain it could be anything – any-time. We have various databases in which we store our recipes, so we delved deep into our desserts database to find some colourful and tasty desserts which were ideally suited to barbecue.

This then is our mini collection of barbecue style desserts, make eat and enjoy.


Make up to 2 days before required, leave in tin, covered, refrigerated.
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2cup water .
4 eggs
1/3 cup sugar, extra
300mI jar thickened cream
1 1/2 cups milk
2 teaspoons grated orange rind

Combine sugar, lemon juice and water in pan, stir over low heat without boiling until sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil, do not stir. Boil rapidly, uncovered, until syrup turns golden brown, about 5 minutes. Pour the syrup into an 18cm round cake tin.

Lightly beat eggs and extra sugar together. Heat cream, milk and orange rind until hot, whisk into egg mixture. Strain mixture into tin, place in baking dish with hot water to come halfway up side of tin. Bake in moderately slow oven 45 to 50 minutes or until set. Remove from water, cool, refrigerate overnight.

Turn onto serving dish, decorate with cream, strawberry, kiwi fruit or orange segments if desired. Serves 6.


The Shortcake base can be cooked up to a week before required, cooled and stored in airtight container. Top with strawberries and glaze a day before serving.

250g butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/3, cup castor sugar
1/3 cup rice flour
1 cup self raising flour
1 1/2 cups plain flour

1 punnet (250g) strawberries
1/2 cup bottled red currant jelly
1 tablespoon brandy

Cream butter, vanilla and sugar until soft and creamy, stir in sifted flours in two batches. Press ingredients together with floured hands. Knead lightly on floured surface until smooth. Press dough evenly over base of greased 24cm recess tin, smooth with knife until level. Bake in moderate oven 25 minutes or until light golden brown; cool in tin, place on serving plate. Arrange halved strawberries on top, spoon glaze over, refrigerate 1 hour or until set. Serve with whipped cream.

Topping: Halve strawberries, place red currant jelly in pan, stir over low heat until l melted, do not boil; add brandy; spoon glaze over strawberries while still hot.

ALMOND PEAR FLAN – desserts 3

Prepare pastry case up to a day before adding Filling and pears. Bake up to 3 hours before serving.


1 1/4 cups plain flour
90g butter
3 tablespoons castor sugar
2 egg yolks

125g butter
1/3. cup castor sugar
2 eggs
1 cup ground almonds
1 tablespoon plain flour
3 pears, peeled, cored, quartered
2 tablespoons apricot jam

Pastry: Combine all ingredients in processor, process until combined. Remove to lightly floured surface, knead into smooth ball, cover, refrigerate 30 minutes. Roll pastry large enough to line a 23cm flan tin. Spread Filling into pastry case, place pear quarters over Filling, bake in moderate oven 35 minutes or until golden brown. Brush with warmed sieved apricot jam.

Filling: Cream butter and sugar together until just combined, add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in almonds and flour.


This is a super-rich cheesecake. lt can be made and refrigerated for up to 2 days before required and would freeze well for up to a month. Cut in slender wedges, it would serve about 10 people.


125g plain chocolate biscuits, finely crushed
60g butter, melted
1 teaspoon water

500g packaged cream cheese
1/3 cup castor sugar
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
3 eggs
1/3 cup cream
1 tablespoon plain flour
30g butter
1/4cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon golden syrup
2 tablespoons hot water
45g bar chocolate-coated honeycomb, finely chopped (we used Malteesers)

150g dark cooking chocolate
1/4 cup cream

Base: Combine biscuits, butter and water, mix well, press evenly over base of 20cm springform pan; refrigerate 30 minutes.

Filling: Beat cream cheese until soft, beat in sugar and lemon rind, then eggs one at a time, then cream and flour. Combine butter, sugar, condensed milk, golden syrup and water in pan, stir over heat until sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil, boil rapidly without stirring for about 4 minutes or until deep caramel colour. Cool for 10 minutes.


Make the cheesecake the day before needed, keep covered and refrigerated. The texture is smooth and the flavour delicate. Use any berries, fresh or frozen sweetened to your taste, for a sauce, Check your springform pan for leaks by filling with water. If it leaks wrap outside of pan in aluminium foil before placing in baking dish with water.

750g ricotta cheese
4 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
K cup honey
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 punnet (250g) strawberries
1/2 cup icing sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Beat ricotta cheese on electric mixer, add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add buttermilk, honey, lemon rind and juice; beat until combined. Pour mixture into greased 20cm springform pan. Bake, standing in dish with hot water coming halfway up sides, in moderate oven for 1 hour or until top feels firm. Allow to come to room temperature before removing from tin. Serve with Strawberry Sauce.

Strawberry Sauce: Puree or process strawberries with sifted icing sugar and lemon juice, strain

Bill & Sheila’s Barbecue Desserts

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