International Grocers - suppliers of vegetarian and dietary needs recommends these products

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International Grocers offers a wide selection of non-wheat flours including rice, sorghum, millet, lentil and corn.

International Grocers – suppliers of vegetarian and dietary needs

People with special dietary needs, such as vegetarians, or those with gluten intolerance or food allergies, may find their dollar stretches further at international grocers.

The Celiac Disease Foundation estimates one in 113 people are affected by gluten intolerance or celiac disease. While only 1 percent of people have celiac, more than 15 percent say they purchase gluten-free items.

The Vegetarian Research Groups says 7.3 million Americans call themselves vegetarian. The prevalence of food allergies has increased 18 percent since 1997 and now includes about 4 percent of the population. Many countries have enjoyed traditional foods without wheat, dairy, eggs or meat and these foods are often cheaper and less processed than those found in chain grocers.

Mexican and Latin American stores, such as Carniceria Los Cuates on Broad, offer a wide selection of corn products, which are a staple for gluten-free households. Corn tortillas, chips, flour and masa (used for making tortillas and tamales) all are available, along with salsas, cheese, beans and rice.

International Grocers on Southwest Parkway carries Indo-Pak, Asian and Middle Eastern foods.

Owner Algaz Syed said he imports products wholesale, directly from their country of origin so items are fresh and at the lowest possible price.

Vegetarians will find frozen and boxed vegetarian meals including samosas, stuffed fried breads, curries and rice dishes.

Syed’s store is the only one in the area that carries both raw zabiha halal meats and microwaveable complete halal meals. Muslims are generally required to eat halal, but Syed said many non-Muslims prefer the meats because the slaughtering process includes very strict standards for hygiene and respect for the animal.

He said the meat tends to be juicer and have better flavor.

People avoiding gluten can find many kinds of wheat-free flours including rice, gram (or lentil), corn, millet and sorghum flours.

A 4-pound bag of rice flour at his store is about $3; a similar product found at a grocery store was more than $6.

Syed said he has many vegetarian customers and they enjoy the frozen and self-stable meals and mixes as well as vegetarian stables like soy chunks, chick peas, beans and lentils.

Syed has individual spices in bulk-size bags at a fraction of the price of bottled spices.

For people with food sensitivities, premixed spice blends or marinades can be troublesome because of unsavory ingredients like monosodium glutamate or wheat-based products.

The store also carries fresh and seasonal herbs, fruits and vegetables and Indian-style ice cream that is egg- and preservative-free.

Syed said since opening the shop about three years ago, he’s adapted his stock to the needs of the community.

Hung Thinh, an Asian food store on Tenth Street, carries many gluten-free products like rice noodles, wrappers, crackers, cooking rice wine and mochi (rice flour dumplings).

Tapioca starch can be used as a thickener in wheat-free recipes.

Coconut milk is a common ingredient, especially in Thai cuisine, and can be a tasty alternative to dairy milk. Whole coconuts, frozen coconut meat and canned milk are available.

For the vegetarian, Hung Thinh has fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables and soy products such as fresh tofu and miso.

The store also has a fresh fish market each Friday with a varying selection.

Kathy Schroyer said she was a first-time visitor to the store. She heard about it from her son-in-law, who acquired an appreciation for foreign foods after being stationed in the Middle East.

She and grandson Tommy Nemett, 1, came to the store for seafood and also found produce, spices and some sweet treats. “I like to try new things. It’s an adventure,” Schroyer said.

People with celiac or serious food allergies should always read labels to make sure products are safe. If there is any question, ask the store owners, or call the brand’s customer help line.

Vegetarian, Raw and Vegan with Bill & Sheila

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