Drink a cup of herbal tea for your good health

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Drink a cup of herbal tea for your good health

The most wonderful thing about our planet is that it grows good medicine. Making herbal tea is one of my secret passions

Here are the basics for herbal tea. Use 1 tablespoon of herbs per cup of water. Consider brew time – you will lose some health benefits over brewing certain herbs. An “infusion” is best when using delicate parts of the plant, like the leaves, flowers and aromatic aerial portions. Infusing means you steep the herbs in hot water for 20 to 30 minutes, as opposed to simmering them. Some herbs take a cold water infusion versus boiled water.

Roots, bark or seeds are tougher and require a “decoction.” You simmer them for 20 to 45 minutes in gently boiling water.

Experiment with combinations of herbs to find the best taste and physiological effect. Herbs are medicine, so research what you learn today to make sure they are safe for you. My favorite book on teas is Rosemary Gladstar’s “Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health.”

Health-food stores sell herbs, or look online under “herbal apothecary.” I insist on organic.

Mint – Provides awesome flavor, plus it’s carminitive, meaning it’s high in volatile oils that soothe the digestive tract; it may help with gas and nausea. This is a “bitter” herb, so it stimulates bile secretion.

Fennel – A warming herb good for bloating, gas and liver support. It may relieve intestinal spasms and inflammation. Stimulates milk secretion in nursing moms.

Meadowsweet – A fabulous pain reliever, it contains salicylic acid; this has anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory properties and may relieve nausea.

Chamomile – So strong that one of its extracts “apigenin” helps with pancreatitis. It relieves intestinal inflammation.

Marshmallow root – This is a demulcent, so it adds moisture to the mucus membranes. It is soothing to the mouth, esophagus and digestive tract – great for people with heartburn.

Calendula – Offers lymph support, acts as an astringent and anti-fungal for the body. May help with leaky gut and irritable bowel.

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Tea with Bill & Sheila

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