Does Raw Milk do a Body Good? The Raw Milk Debate Continues recommends these products

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Does Raw Milk do a Body Good? The Raw Milk Debate Continues

In the U.S., only 10 states can currently sell raw milk for purchase and in 15 others, only on-farm sales are allowed. Meanwhile, in France, raw milk is a mainstay. The March issue of Food Nutrition Science features a debate with Dr. Heidi Kassenborg, a veterinarian and the director of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Dairy Food Inspection Division who opposes the sale of raw milk and Doug Stephan, radio host of Good Day and a dairy farmer who sells raw milk from his Framingham, Massachusetts farm.

“Currently the House of Representatives is debating Bill 1830 that expands raw milk availability to all states,” says Phil Lempert, founder of Food Nutrition Science and CEO of The Lempert Report and “I welcome the debate as it brings food safety issues to the forefront of discussion and for this, consumers win.”

Both sides claim the others’ studies are flawed and outdated and those opposed say they aren’t against raw milk, they oppose the pathogens that can and often do get into milk during the milking and collection process that lead to illness. While those in favor say raw milk has a very short supply chain so fewer processes means fewer opportunities for the milk to become contaminated. They also say it’s about a consumer’s choice.

Also in this month’s Food Nutrition Science, an update from the Natural Products Expo where coconut water continues as a big trend making its appearance in coffee, energy drinks and other products.

In addition, Food Nutrition Science features interviews with Award-Winning Chef and Owner of Tremont 647 Andy Husbands, California fruit and vegetable farmer Craig Underwood, who farms over 2,100 acres on his Underwood Ranches Farms and Kara Phillips, Channel Marketing manager for Unilever Food Solutions that recently launched a “United Against Waste” campaign designed to help the foodservice industry tackle food waste issues.

Among other items featured this month, video diaries from Crystal and Marty Wooldridge who show us their 500 head cow-calf ranch in Oil City, Louisiana and Joan Shorter, director of Food and Nutrition Services for Prince George County in Maryland, who captures how some schools in her district help students get a healthy school breakfast to start the day.

About Food Nutrition Science With more than 26,000 readers, Food Nutrition Science is the only monthly newsletter created for all food industry players to communicate about the safest, most efficient and healthiest ways to get food to our plates. Founded by food industry analyst and CEO of The Lempert Report and Phil Lempert, Food Nutrition Science provides readers analysis and offers discussions on all issues relating to the food industry. To learn more about healthy foods, trends, recipes and maneuvering the supermarket download “Smarter Shopping with Phil Lempert,” a state-of the-art mobile app available at iTunes.

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Vegetarian, Raw milk and Vegan with Bill & Sheila
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