New meat labeling for nutrition-conscious shoppers recommends these products


New meat labeling for nutrition-conscious shoppers

Although meat and poultry are common grocery store purchases, until recently, few of these products have been packaged with a nutrition facts label. This made it difficult for consumers trying to make healthy food choices. Not anymore — many forms of raw meat and poultry must now be packaged with the nutrition facts label or at least have the information available to consumers in brochure or poster form in close proximity to the product.

Why has it taken so long to have these labels appear? More than two decades ago, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 mandated that all packaged food regulated by the Food and Drug Administration had to have nutrition labels. Foods regulated by the USDA, which included fresh meat and poultry, seafood, and fresh produce, were exempt from this ruling.

In 2001, the USDA suggested labeling for raw meats and poultry, but it was voluntary. Unfortunately, few nutrition labels on these products resulted from this request. As a result, in December 2010, the USDA set into motion new mandatory labeling rules, which were originally slated to take effect January 2012. To give retailers more time to comply, the date was extended until March 1, 2012.

There are some exceptions to the ruling, however. The cuts of meat that require labeling are based on specific cuts of meat that were established almost 20 years ago. Products that do not fall into the traditional cuts are exempt.

Ground meats and poultry must have the nutrition information directly on the package — not in a brochure or on a poster. Small retailers who grind their own meat and do not make nutritional claims on the label are exempt from the mandatory nutrition label.

Consumers wanting to purchase leaner forms of meat and poultry will now be able to identify these healthier protein sources. Information such as protein, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, iron, total carbohydrates and calories will appear on the label, just as it does with other foods in the grocery store. Fiber, sugar, vitamins A and C, and calcium content do not have to be noted, since there are insignificant amounts in these products.

Similar to other food labels, consumers will have to be aware of the portion size listed on the package and adjust the nutrition information according to the portion they consume. Many consumers may find that they are eating well above these portions.

For whole cuts of meat, the nutrition label is based on a 3 ounce cooked portion. For ground meat or poultry, however, the portion noted on the label is for 4 ounces of raw. This generally cooks down to about 3 ounces.

Another variable that determines the actual nutritional content of the food is the method of preparation. The USDA label data is based on averages of several possible cooking methods. By using healthier methods you might be able to improve the numbers noted on the label.

The USDA label also calculates an average for the grade of the meat. Some grades will have more fat than others. In some cases, you may be able to trim fat off the cut of meat, meaning it will have less fat than what is noted on the label.

In the past, some ground meats have advertised “% lean” or “% fat” on the label. The new labels will have to note both the lean and fat percent by weight, not as a percent of calories. This along with the actual number of grams of fat seen on the label, will help consumers make wiser food purchases.

As you will see from the labels, there are some cuts that tend to be leaner options. When it comes to beef, this includes cuts such as eye round steak and roasts, sirloin steak, and 90 percent lean ground beef. Pork tenderloin or trimmed boneless chops tend to be lower in fat. Skinless turkey or chicken breast, or lean ground forms of these are other good choices.

Another way to cut down on calories and fat/cholesterol intake is to modify your portion sizes. Look at the new labels for an idea of what might be a reasonable serving size. In many cases, making a meal that is a mixture of several food groups can help with reducing portion sizes of the protein item. An example might be a stir fry or soup. The meat or poultry still adds flavor, but is not the major ingredient. This also encourages a higher intake of vegetables and the nutrients they contain.

Realizing the amount of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol that are in some meat products may also encourage consumers to eat fish some days instead of meat. The current goal from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends fish at least twice a week.

Other lean and healthy proteins are the wide variety of beans that can be added to a number of entrees. Including some meatless meals each week can also save money on your grocery bill.

So in addition to all the other food labels in the grocery store, you now have even more information in the meat case to guide you toward healthier food purchases.

Pam Stuppy, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, is a registered, licensed dietitian with nutrition counseling offices in York, Maine, and Portsmouth. She is also the nutritionist for Phillips Exeter Academy. Visit for more nutrition information, some healthy cooking tips, and recipe ideas.

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