Prune fruit trees when buds swell
Q: When is the best time to prune my apple and cherry trees? I understand that I am supposed to prune them in late winter or early spring, but I’m not sure what that means.
A: Yes, you are correct. Take a look at your trees. As soon as the buds start to swell, usually in March, that’s when it’s time to start pruning. Remove any dead, diseased or broken branches as well as twiggy, nonproductive growth. Homeowners often neglect the annual training and pruning of fruit trees. Without training and pruning, fruit trees will not develop proper shape and form. Properly trained and pruned trees will yield high-quality fruit much earlier in their lives and live significantly longer.
A primary objective of training and pruning is to develop a strong tree framework that will support fruit production. Proper tree training also opens up the tree canopy to maximize light penetration.
Q: Can I cut some of the limbs of my spring-blooming shrubs and bring them inside to enjoy this spring? What is the best way to do this? When do I cut them and bring them inside?
A: Flowering shrubs can be taken inside in full bloom or when they are full of swollen buds. A good time to bring them inside is while you are pruning and shaping flowering trees in your landscape. Some may be fragrant, such as flowering apricots. While pruning, cut some 2-foot sections with lots of flower buds even if they are not open. Flower buds are larger and sometimes rounder than leaf buds.
You can force these limbs to bloom when bringing them inside. The limbs must be hydrated, though. Some people hydrate them by placing them in buckets of water or laying them down in a bathtub overnight. Once they are hydrated, recut the stems and place them in a container of warm water and keep them in a cool place for a week or so. The flowers will begin to open, and you can move them to a room to enjoy.
It is so much fun to have your house smelling of spring even if it’s cold outside.
Fruit with Bill & Sheila
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