Welcome to the world of Hurom Slow Juicer


Welcome to the world of Hurom Slow Juicer

MANILA, Philippines – Don’t be misled by its name. Though slow and unhurried as it seems in its actions, the results this revolutionary product delivers are measured, deliberate — and exceptional.

Introducing the Hurom Slow Juicer from Hurom L.S. Ltd., the global leader in juicing technology and manufacturer of juicers and juice extractors that provide for better health of people around the world and is now in the Philippines for health-conscious Filipinos to bring home and enjoy.

The Hurom Slow Juicer was introduced recently to guests and delegates at the Philippine International Food and Beverage Expo (PIFBEX) at the PICC Forum 1-3 in Pasay City.

Many were impressed at this wonder product’s simple slow-juicing technology that aims to bring health and wellness to many Filipinos and to encourage them to turn to juicing for better overall physical condition and well-being.

Unlike traditional juicers that boast of high-speed motors and cutting blades that perform lightning-fast cutting motion, the slow juicing action of the Hurom Slow Juicer is courtesy of its patented Low Speed Technology System or LSTS.

LSTS slowly and gently presses— not crushes — the fruit to extract all of its natural juices in order to create juice that is full of vitamins, minerals and important live enzymes and most notably, still bursting with all its natural flavors. And yes, the Hurom Slow Juicer can juice vegetables, too.

Fresh fruits are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals like lycopene, antosianin, and beta-carotene that are very much significant in fighting certain forms of cancer and helps prevent aging and has tremendous qualities to help improve our skin.

Because of the gentle pressing action of the Hurom Slow Juicer, these essential nutrients, including the fruit’s and vegetable’s natural taste and fragrance, are preserved unlike fast-cutting traditional juicers where the juice extracted is oxidized, which means most of the important nutrients are already lost because of the high-speed juicing action.

More importantly, the juice extracted from the Hurom Slow Juicer is 100 percent all-natural compared to commercially manufactured fruit juices that are full of artificial flavoring, coloring and other harmful chemicals that may damage the body.

This slow-juicing technology of the Hurom Slow Juicer is already accepted in major countries around the world like in the US, Japan and China, including other parts of Europe and in 40 other countries where Hurom L.S. Ltd. has patent applications.

Various awards were also already given to Hurom L.S. Ltd. by globally recognized award-giving bodies and in global invention exhibitions like the 2010 Swiss Geneva Salon International Des Invention and at the 2010 Pittsburgh International Invention Fair (INPEX) where it won the gold medal because of the juicing technologies the company pioneered.

In Korea where Hurom L.S. Ltd. was established, it received the KOTRA (Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency) Seal of Excellence that depicts the mark of quality, high technology and trustworthiness.

Over the years, “Hurom” (which combines the words human and rom meaning “beneficial” in Korean) L.S. Ltd. will continue to come up with innovative juicing products using cutting-edge technology and provide more people more opportunities to consume as much natural food as possible.

This commitment is espoused by the chairman of Hurom L.S. Ltd., Kim Young Gi, regarded as the “Father of Juicing” in Korea.

The pioneering Hurom Slow Juicer is now available in the Philippines at Rustan’s department stores and is distributed by Zinven International Corp. For more information, visit www.hurom-slowjuicer.com.

Recipes for juicing with Bill & Sheila
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