Party time desserts
We love our desserts here in Spain. We always try to make something different when we attend our regular Sunday lunch sessions at our friends Paella parties.
Sometimes the desserts are cakes, but we also like individual desserts like the two featured on this article. They a both variations of other desserts, but with our own influence on the original recipes. The first of the desserts we offer you, is a basic tiramisu with a bottom layer of ‘Fruits of the Forest.’ The second of the two desserts can be made in two ways. One with ice cream and the other with a yoghurt and cream mixture, set with gelatine.
Make the tiramisu in the usual way using your favourite tiraimsu recipe, but place a layer of berries over the bottom layer of sponge biscuits. WE used frozen ‘fruits of the forest’ from Aldi’s. Tirimisu Recipe
The second of our two desserts is either an ice cream cake or a panacotta type cake. For the ice cream version, make a biscuit base as for a cheesecake using digestive biscuits and butter, and press the biscuits into a round mould to form a base about 1/4 thick. press vanilla ice cream into the mould and return to the freezer until needed.
For the yoghurt version, you will need 450g of yoghurt, 1 glass of milk and tablespoon of gelatine. mix the gelatine with the milk, and when dissolved, mix thoroughly into the yoghurt. Pour over the biscuit base and place in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Both desserts are garnished with a fruit jam of choice. In these versions of the cake, we used Raspberry jam, but any type will do as long as it has chunky fruit in it. You can even make different versions and your guests can choose which flavours they prefer.
Recipes for desserts with Bill & Sheila
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