A lesson in quick (and convenient) bread

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A lesson in quick (and convenient) bread

Some of the simplest baking products to make are quick bread.

As the name implies, quick bread can be made in a shorter amount of time than traditional yeast bread. Examples are banana bread, muffins, scones, etc., and although easier, there is still information worth knowing.

The biggest and most obvious difference between yeast bread and quick bread is that quick bread is not leavened with yeast. The term “leavening” is defined as creating and capturing gases in a baked product to produce structure and height. As yeast ferments, with the help of sugar, it creates gas that causes the holes visible in bread. Quick bread relies on leaveners such as baking soda, baking powder, steam, eggs and air to give a similar effect.

Baking soda and baking powder are considered chemical leaveners. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and it requires liquid and an acid to make a gaseous reaction. It is usually added to recipes that have a naturally occurring acid in the ingredients. This acid can be found in items such as buttermilk, yogurt, sour cream, honey, molasses and fruits.

The amount of baking soda used is determined and balanced by the amount of these acids occurring in the recipe’s ingredients. Baking powder, on the other hand, is a complete leavener, as it only requires liquid for it to react in the same manner. The reason for this is that it contains a mixture of baking soda and the balanced amount of acid, along with starch to help prevent lumping. This is why you will see some recipes call for baking powder and others with baking powder and/or baking soda. A good comparison of this is a pancake recipe compared to a buttermilk pancake recipe.

Most quick bread recipes consist of mixing dry and wet ingredients in two separate bowls first before combining them.

Not only are quick breads fast, they are also very tender. This is due to the limited production of gluten in the mixing process. When flour and liquid are mixed together, gluten is formed. Gluten is most recognizable as the elastic feeling in yeast bread dough that has been kneaded. The longer flour and liquid are mixed, the more gluten is created. Quick breads are similar to the texture of cakes and, thus, one should not over-mix to ensure a delicate composition.

Regardless of which chemical leaveners you use, the batter should go into the oven immediately once mixed together, as the gases start producing immediately when the liquid is added. If using eggs and air to leaven, bake immediately before it deflates, for optimal results.

Once in the oven, heat will convert moisture in the batter to steam. The steam, air and gasses from leavening will be trapped in the batter, giving the product height and a fluffy texture.
Bread Making with Bill & Sheila
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