Does Juicing Help Arthritis Pain?


Does Juicing Help Arthritis Pain?


arthritis pain. Even if you don’t surf the Web, juicing infomercials starring the late Jack LaLanne, “Juiceman” Jay Kordich, and other pitchmen have been running for years.

Whether you’re pulping pomegranates or potatoes, the stories that can be found online or on TV make it easy to believe that arthritis relief is as easy as buying a juicing machine. But are these “miracle juices” really the silver bullet that many say they are?

The answer: Probably not. While some people swear that fruit and vegetable juices have eased their joint pain, no scientific evidence exists to support these claims, says John Cush, MD, director of clinical rheumatology at the Baylor Research Institute in Dallas. “I’ve heard testimonials from some patients and a lot from people who are selling [juice],” Dr. Cush says. “But there’s certainly no proof.”

Theories About Juicing and Arthritis Relief

The enthusiasm about juicing and arthritis may be based on the fact that beneficial compounds like antioxidants do exist in juice. But so far there’s been no strong evidence that these substances are specifically good for arthritis. Some health Web sites, for example, claim that pineapple juice can be beneficial for arthritis because it contains the enzyme bromelain. However, the literature on bromelain is skimpy — a Slovakian study found that administering the enzyme along with other treatments may be helpful, but the research was done on rats. Another study found that bromelain had no effect on arthritis pain.

Cherry juice is another substance that has been held up as a holistic treatment for arthritis because of the anti-inflammatory properties of the anthocyanins it contains. But no studies have been performed to test the effect of cherry juice on arthritis. Cherry juice and similar juices have been shown to inhibit COX-2, an enzyme that is associated with inflammation. “It works much like aspirin or ibuprofen,” Cush says. “But it’s not been proven as a treatment for arthritis. There’s some evidence to support it, but it’s modest.”

Celery juice is touted as an arthritis treatment because it contains the anti-inflammatory substance luteolin. A plant study confirms that luteolin has anti-inflammatory properties, but it has not been tested for its ability to relieve arthritis pain.

Doing Your Own Juicing Study

What if you’d like to test out juicing despite the lack of evidence? “If you want to try it, there is no harm in it,” Cush says. “It may be good from a nutrient standpoint.” Indeed, sweet raw cherries are a good source of vitamin A, and fresh pineapple is rich in vitamin C. However, Cush warns, people who take medications for arthritis or other medical conditions should talk with their doctors before going the juice route. Some juices, like grapefruit, may interfere with the liver’s ability to metabolize certain medications. Also, juice should not be used as a standalone therapy for arthritis.

Next, follow these smart prep tips to juice safely:

  • Choose fruits and vegetables that aren’t bruised or damaged.
  • Store perishable produce and their juices in the refrigerator at temperatures of 40 degrees or below.
  • Cut, peel, and juice produce with clean utensils and equipment.

Finally, people at risk for foodborne illness, such as children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems, shouldn’t consume fresh-squeezed juices.

Juice can be a delicious experiment to try when you have arthritis, but maintain a healthy dose of skepticism too, especially when online juice regimens involve specific (and costly) products. “Unfortunately, many people who push these juices are involved in selling them,” Cush says. “And that bothers me.”

Fruit with Bill & Sheila

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