Jane Grigson's parsnip and walnut fritters

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Jane Grigson’s parsnip and walnut fritters

‘These delicious little morsels make a refreshing change from standard roast parsnip, and will satisfy the most ardent carnivore. Jane Grigson’s flair for matching ingredients is first rate and this is no exception. The sweetness of the parsnip is great with the buttery walnut, and rolling the mixture into fritters and deep frying them is inspired. They go brilliantly with slithers of rare venison or a roast game bird, and can be topped with a chunk of some British blue such as Stichelton or Shropshire Blue and served as canapés (if you make them small enough). You could even nestle them into a bed of rocket dotted with the same cheese for a highly original starter’

Thomasina Miers

Parsnip and walnut fritters
Extract from Jane Grigson’s Good Things
Published by Penguin

To serve 6

One would not think that parsnips and walnuts would go well together. But they do. So do parsnips and almonds, or parsnips and hazelnuts. My preference, though, is for walnuts.


1kg/2lb-2½lb parsnips
2 large eggs
1tbsp flour
90g/3oz butter, melted
15cl-17cl/5fl oz-6fl oz milk
Salt and black pepper
125g/4oz shelled walnuts
Oil for deep frying


Trim, clean and boil the parsnips in the usual way. When they are tender, push them them with a sieve or food mill, discarding tough bits of core. Mix to a smooth paste with the eggs, flour, butter and milk. Season and stir in the walnuts.

Bring a deep pan of oil to between 180?C and 190?C (350?F and 375?F)-I use a thermometer to make sure the temperature is right and is not too reduced by the fritter mixture. Slip into the oil spoonfuls of the mixture, including a piece of walnut with each spoonful. Remove with a draining spoon when the fritters are a deep golden-brown.

Drain the fritters on paper towels before you serve them.

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