Homemade potato chips

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Homemade potato chips

I love potato chips, but they are high in fat and calories, and every time I go shopping, it seems like a bag of chips cost more than last week.

I’ve tried to make potato chips, with not-so-great results. I’ve watched the professionals on the Food Network make delicious-looking chips that made me drool. So then I’d try them, deep-frying or baking, they were less than palatable.

Recently, Hubs was surfing the net and found a recipe for microwaved potato chips. I thought, “Sure, this will be another potato-chip disaster, but it worked! Now we can have fresh potato chips anytime the mood strikes us. Another plus is you control the seasoning on the chips, a good thing if you are trying to control salt intake. And, the flavor possibilities are endless.

The six-minute cooking time in this recipe depends on your microwave. We have a 1,000-watt microwave, and the chips actually took about seven minutes, 30 seconds. It was trial-and-error to get just the correct cooking time.

I liked the recipe so well, I’m going to invest in a food mandolin to ensure very thin, evenly sliced potatoes.

Here’s the recipe, give it a try:

6-Minute Potato Chips
Baking potatoes
Seasoning of your choice (I used sea salt, garlic powder and a little red pepper)
Parchment paper

Thoroughly wash the potatoes. Do not peel. Slice very evenly into thin slices — almost so thin you can see through the slice. Season slices with desired seasonings.

Line a microwavable platter with parchment paper. Lay and even layer of potato slices on the parchment paper. Place another layer of parchment paper over the slices. You may have to place something on top the paper to keep it in place while the potato slices cook.

Microwave six minutes on high. If potatoes are not dry and crisp at the end of six minutes, continue to cook at 30-second intervals until chips are done.

Remove from oven, allow chips to cool and enjoy.

Linda’s tip: The parchment paper can be re-used twice.

Linda Masters is The Bulletin online editor and coordinates community news, food features and food styling. Read more about her on her blog, “Etc. and More,” at www.baxterbulletin.com or follow Bulletin Newsroom on Facebook. Email her at [email protected].

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