Gluten Free, Healthier Option Or Just A Fad?
Madison-Area Businesses Offer Countless Gluten Free Options
Updated: 10:42 am CST February 3, 2012
MADISON, Wis. — Anyone talking about dieting lately has likely heard about the gluten free diet. Gluten free is fast becoming the low-carb of this decade, but is it a healthier option or just a food fad?
Once a rarity, now gluten free products are popping up everywhere. Experts said the growth has been fueled by people who blame an intolerance to gluten for weight gain, indigestion, fatigue and even depression. Some people have a medically diagnosed necessity to go gluten free, but is it a good idea for everyone else? University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics senior nutritionist Donna Weihofen said for sufferers of celiac disease, following a gluten free diet is a necessesity. “Gluten is a natural protein that’s found in various grains at various levels,” Weihofen said. “It’s very high in wheat, oats, rye and barley.” Celebrities including Gwenyth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham and professional athletes Drew Brees and Novak Djokovic have helped the diet go mainstream, claiming gluten-free helps them lose weight. “There’s only 1 percent of the population in this country that have celiac disease,” Weihofen said. “There’s a lot of people that think they’re sensitive to gluten or have gluten intolerance and that’s why this market has just blossomed. It’s a $2 billion market in the United States today.” According to the National Institutes of Health, only one in 133 people tests positive for celiac. “Many people do not have to follow a gluten free diet who are following the gluten free diet,” Weihofen said. “They think they feel better, but it’s not anything dangerous. You don’t have to have wheat in your diet. So, if you’d like to try it, you can try it.” Those who think they might have celiac’s disease should see a doctor because it is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. Researchers said 2 million people in the United States may have celiac disease and not know it. “You have an intestinal tract and you have villi and the food is absorbed because it has a big surface,” Weihofen said. “When you have gluten in your diet, it destroys those villi. The intestinal tract becomes flat and now you only have this much absorbing surface so you don’t absorb your food.”Copyright 2012 by Channel 3000. All rights reserved.
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Gluten free Recipes with Bill & Sheila
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