Food: Healthy Vegetable Paella! recommends these products


Healthy Vegetable Paella!

If you read yesterday’s post, you’ll see that I am back on the healthy eating wagon, after much excess over Christmas and New Year (and yep, I know it’s February now, but the festive period seemed to be over so quickly, that I treated most of January like it was still Christmas – clearing out the party food before it went out of date etc) and will be updating on here with my progress including photographs/recipes for successful meals, or pretty looking ones every now and then. Hope you don’t mind.

I am a vegetarian but I don’t like missing out on good food just because somebody says it should contain meat or fish, so I adapt them and leave out the meat/fish and any stock/derivatives from them that are usually put into these recipes. Sometimes I cheat a bit if I’m in a rush or if it doesn’t make any difference to the end result, as you will see below, where I use ready bought seasoning, but I never compromise on flavour as if I’m using precious calories to eat something, I have to enjoy it – otherwise I risk snacking to make up for it (lol).

I loved this meal. It’s so simple to make, we used paella rice, threw whatever veg we could find in there (which ended up being: green beans, sweetcorn, peas, peppers, onion, tenderstem broccoli, and tomatoes) with it, with a pack of paella spices (from Tesco, as we were in a rush because it’s quite expensive to do it this way, otherwise) and cooked as you would any other paella, just without a meat and/or fish stage.

I also added lemon wedges to steam with it for a few minutes with it at the end – the lemon flavour goes SO well with this, and steaming it makes it really juicy so that it gives out its flavour easily.

Easy peasy, very tasty and healthy too – what do you think? x

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