Dubious doctors in UAE offer herbal solutions for impotency

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Dubious doctors in UAE offer herbal solutions for impotency

Some doctors who claim to practice traditional medicine to treat chronic diseases including impotency and evectional dysfunction without any side effects are discovered to be cheating patients. They allegedly mix chemical compositions used in allopathic medicines to the herbal products to ‘treat’ clients.

Sharjah Police sources revealed to ‘Emirates24|7′ that some doctors from Asian countries have been luring patients to their ‘unofficial’ clinics located in Sharjah Rolla area and other parts of the UAE. They offer herbal treatment for serious ailments including sexual disorders. The herbal medicines are sourced from their home country, they claim.

They also lure customers through websites. One such doctor charges as high as $4,000 for a course of herbal sexual enhancement treatment.

Most victims of this ‘scam’ do not file complaints or speak out, say police sources.

“We have received some complaints from patients about some dubious Asian doctors who are cheating patients. In the first two or three meetings, the doctors brainwash patients about the merits of using traditional herbal medicines and once they gain their confidence, they start selling them costly herbal products. These are not pure herbal medicines, but some herbs mixed with chemical substances that can cure such diseases,” a Sharjah Police source revealed to this website.

“A few such clinics operate out of the heritage area in Sharjah. The treatment is expensive, starting at Dh500. This is a clear case of cheating and public should be aware of such fraudulent medical practitioners,” the source warned.

Forensic tests conducted earlier on such ‘herbal medicines’ were found to possess chemical elements, Sharjah Police source said.

These ‘doctors’ not only offer sexual enhancement drugs but also offer expert advise on how to gain stamina and sexual powers and satisfy the opposite sex.

One such doctor whose website claims to have offices in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and other places offer solutions for better ejaculation, more satisfying erections and enhanced pleasure with the help of traditional herbal medicines from Pakistan. The one-month course of herbal medicines cost $800 and a two-month course only $400.

There are also treatment costing $1,550 and $3,880 even. It says while most prescription medicines cause side effects, herbal medicines create only an addiction for more sex.

Such doctors claim to keep the personal details confidential and all prescriptions and treatments are done without much publicity or propaganda. A ‘refresh tablet’ sold online promises to fill users with energy, where they can ‘perform’ for hours without continuously.

Customers can buy these herbal medicines through online payment system of four leading banks. The drugs are shipped to customers in discrete and confidential packages, with a title ‘herbal medicines’.

Meanwhile, there are several herbal medicine for sexual disorders available online. There are pills available for breast enhancement, too, apart from natural Viagra.

A classified advertisement by an Asian doctor in a UAE classified website claims to cure all ailments with the help of herbal medicines. He claims offer traditional herbal medicines, eastern herbal products and supplements at low prices.

“These herbal medicine courses can maximise ‘organ’ size and produce longer, harder erections. Key herbal ingredients help restore and maintain healthy libido, improve overall immunity, stimulate growth and increase sexual stamina (staying power). Your partner will notice a dramatic difference and you’ll enjoy the confidence you’ve always wanted by pleasing her like never before,” says the internet posting by the herbal clinic.

The company sells a pack of herbal pills and creams to enhance breast size for $239.5.

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