Tinned mushrooms recalled

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Tinned mushrooms recalled

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TINNED mushrooms from the Netherlands have been recalled from the market after failing processing regulations but state services say they are not yet aware of how dangerous the contamination is for public health.

A spokesman for the Health Services yesterday told the Cyprus Mail that lab tests are currently underway to identify the exact bacteria contained in the tins.

“The product was insufficiently processed,” he explained. “But we are still unsure as to what the bacterium is.”

Asked how dangerous consumption of the mushrooms could be – as some cans have ended up in households across the island – the spokesman said he was unsure.

“We need to have the results of the tests to be able to answer that with certainty,” he said. “But the public is being seriously urged to dispose of any of the product they may have already purchased.”

According to the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), the tins in question were manufactured in the Netherlands under the name “Champignons I, Wahl ganze Koepfe”, weigh 400 grams, with a sell-by date of December 31, 2014.

Health Services Spokesman Christos Christou yesterday admitted some cans had already reached consumers and called on anyone in possession to dispose of them.

“We were informed in an urgent call from the importing company itself on Saturday – and then the RASFF – that a specific batch of mushrooms has presented a serious microbiological problem, due to the fact that they didn’t undergo sufficient institutional processing, which excludes such dangers,” said Christou.

“The mushrooms were definitely recalled immediately,” he added. “We are just calling on any members of the public who may have purchased the specific product not to consume it.”

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