Juicing helps dieters get their fruit, vegetable intake
There is a diet continuously blowing up nutritional chatter, recruiting famous celebrities, is called miraculous, has been around for years and it’s also a bit fruity—juicing.
There is endless information, testimonials and diets focusing on how wonderful juicing fruits and vegetables can be. Fad diets come in and out of style, but juicing has stayed around.
“There are certain seasons juicers are popular,” said John Leavitt, manager of Bosch Kitchen Center. “We have customers you could talk to for hours about the enzymes in juice, the benefits and the nutrients you get from juicing.”
Jay Kordich is the grandfather of juicing. He has spent the last 50 years promoting how wonderful juicing is by doing TV gigs, writing multiple books and giving endless presentations.
In his book, “Juiceman’s Power of Juicing,” Kordich said: “The juicing program is for staying healthy, looking young, getting trim and feeling great—all by taking advantage of the natural healing power of fresh fruit and vegetable juices.”
It’s no wonder why celebrities juice. They are in the spotlight and constantly have to look their best. Some celebrities known to juice are Beyonce Knowles, Oprah Winfrey, Megan Fox, Anne Hathaway and Gwyneth Paltrow. The list goes on and on at The Lemonade Diet Guide web site. [http://bit.ly/homGgu]
“Heavens yes juicing is popular,” said Bonnie, an employee at Dixie Nutrition. “There are many things it can do for your body.”
Even some students at Dixie State College are juicing.
Andrew Hansen, a freshman general education major from Sparks, Nev., said his uncle bought a juicer and made him some. He really liked it, so his parents bought one, and they started to juice regularly.
“When I juice I feel better about myself and my health,” Hansen said.
The science behind juicing may be the reason for its long history and popularity, or simply because it works.
Cherie Calbom is known as the Juice Lady from her history of juicing therapy and cleansing programs. On her nutritional website Juice Lady Info, her credentials and juicing information is found. She earned a Master of Science degree, has practiced as a clinical nutritionist and was George Forman’s and Richard Simmons’ celebrity nutritionist. [http://www.juiceladyinfo.com/index.php]
“Juicing provides the nutritional advantages of plants in a concentrated form that is easy to absorb,” Calbom said on her website. “Not only does juice provide your body with water and easily absorbed protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients, it also provides a substance that’s more difficult to measure that is present in raw foods.”
What is this substance? Calbom said on her website that it is light energy found in the living cells of raw foods such as fruits and vegetables. The energy is believed to have many benefits when consumed; one in particular is to aid cellular communication. The energy is believed to contribute to our energy and a feeling of vibrancy and well-being.
Juicing is an alternative to just eating the vegetables and fruits raw. People have problems with eating the daily recommended intake of these foods, and juicing is a solution to accomplish this goal.
“I often juice five pounds or more of carrots, plus six to eight apples, just for breakfast,” said Andrew Saul, Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. “I’d never find the time to eat all that without the shortcut of a juicer.” [http://www.doctoryourself.com/juicing_2.html]
“Your body’s absorption of fresh, raw juice is simply outstanding,” Saul said. “A juicer is essentially a powerful motor with teeth, breaking cell walls and releasing all the nutrients into a solution that your body sucks up like a sponge.”
So what do you need to start juicing? It’s simple: Go get a juicer and lots of fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately like parts of California, St. George doesn’t have the best selection of produce.
“We don’t have very many farmers markets here,” Leavitt said. “Harmon’s really has the only good produce in town, but can be expensive.
The best juicers are pricey, but cheap or old juicers work just fine. You can find juicers online for as low as $15. If you’re even cheaper, try garage sales.
Look up juicing recipes and tips online to help guide your juicing experience. If you just wing it your juice may be a torture instead of a pleasure. Hold back from eating at fast food restaurants, and instead use the money to buy fresh produce to juice.
“I believe that if you add juice to your life, you will contribute to your overall cardiovascular health, enhance your physical performance, help lower your blood pressure, help you lose weight and sleep better at night,” Kordich said. “You will have more energy and better health than you probably ever dreamed possible.”
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