Hannah proves that you can have your cakes and eat them

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Hannah proves that you can have your cakes and eat them

If ever there is proof that you can have your cakes and eat them then its Hannah Jones.

The 28-year-old quit her busy job as a pastry chef to spend more time with her two young children.

She then launched her own cake and pastries business, Hannah’s Buns, working from home in Haverhill last year.

But she dreams of opening up her own tea rooms and patisserie in the town.

That dream has now taken a step forward after Hannah won the Haverhill Echo’s Local Business Accelerators competition.

“I’m beaming. I really didn’t think I’d win.

“I’m absolutely amazed and so excited,” she said.

As winner Hannah will get thousands of pounds of free advertising in the Echo while she also benefit from free business mentoring and go up against winners from other papers up and down the country for the chance to be mentored by Dragon’s Den’s Deborah Meaden.

“I just want to get my name out there and get more business, which this free advertising will help me to do,” said Hannah.

“I then intend to put together a business plan so I can approach the bank with a view to opening up my own shop.

“The advertising and mentoring will really help with this.”

The competition win caps off a busy period for Hannah who previously worked as a pastry chef at The Plough in Hundon and The Swan in Lavenham.

“I had a really busy Christmas – as well as making traditional Christmas cakes, I had customers who wanted little cupcakes for place settings, and mini Christmas cakes for gifts.

“And that has carried on into the New Year – I’ve already had a couple of people ringing up for quotes for wedding cakes,” Hannah said.

Her target for 2012 is to grow the cake business although Hannah says she expects realistically her shop plan will not happen until next year.

“I would like it to be this year but I think that is probably wishful thinking,” said Hannah.

“But hopefully I will have everything in place ready to open my shop next year. It will be amazing,” she said.

Hannah’s business Hannah’s Buns specialises in bespoke cakes and pastries.

She already supplies cakes weekly to two salons in the town to give out to their customers and hopes to forge more business links to supply other firms during 2012.

Cakes for weddings, birthday and other events can be made to order – designs or images of how you would like the cake to look can by emailed to Hannah.

She even offers a local delivery service.

Hannah says she uses the freshest ingredients and that this is reflected in the taste of her cakes and pastries.

You can visit Hannah’s website – ww.hannahsbuns.co.uk – for more information on the business.

You can also get in contact with Hannah with your cake queries on 07927 521755 or email her at: [email protected]

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