DASH diet is a good bet to lower blood pressure

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DASH diet is a good bet to lower blood pressure

Dear Dr. Donohue • Regarding your article on
the DASH diet, I was very interested in it. Is there a diet sheet
listing all the items pertaining to this diet? How can I get one? I
think it’s a doable diet. — I.P.

Answer • DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension, is a doable, simple and good-tasting diet. You can
expect a drop of 8 to 14 points in blood pressure if you’re
faithful to it. One of the most important diet changes is limiting
sodium (salt) consumption to 1,500 grams. Here’s the diet:

Grains • Six to eight servings a day;
whole-grain breads like wheat, cereals (both dry and cooked), brown
rice and pastas are grains. A serving is one slice of bread, one
cup of dry cereal and half a cup of cooked cereal.

Fruits • Four to six daily servings, with a
serving being a moderately sized whole fruit, a half-cup of frozen
or canned fruit or a half-cup of fruit juice.

Vegetables • Four to five servings a day, with
a serving being one cup of leafy green veggie, 1/2 cup cut up, raw
or cooked vegetables or 1/2 cup vegetable juice.

Dairy • Two to three servings a day of low-fat
dairy products, with a serving being a cup of skim or low-fat milk,
a cup of yogurt or one and a half ounces of cheese.

Lean Meats, Poultry, Fish • Six or fewer
servings a day. A serving is one ounce of cooked meat, skinless
chicken or fish. One egg is also a serving.

Nuts, Seeds, Dry Beans • Four to five servings
a week. One serving is a third cup of nuts, 2 tablespoons of peanut
butter, a half a cup of dry beans.

Fats and Oils • Two to three servings a day,
with a serving being equal to 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise, 1
teaspoon of margarine, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons
of salad dressing.

Sweets • Five or less a week. A serving is a
tablespoon of sugar or a teaspoon of jam or jelly.

Write Dr. Donohue at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, Fla.

Diet and Weight loss with Bill & Sheila

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