Juicing Up the New Year


Juicing Up the New Year

“Fondue sets, martini shakers and juicing machines: three things the world could live completely without.” —Douglas Coupland

My in-laws gave my husband and I a juicer over the holidays. This was after I saw it unopened on a shelf in their basement and asked a few times if they were ever going to use it. Subtlety may not be my strong suit but who cares? I got a juicer!

My boy, E, was anxious to give it a try so we threw some pineapple and baby carrots we had in the fridge together and hoped for the best. End result? Delicious! After doing some research I found out that carrots are the liason between fruits and vegetables with regard to juicing. The basic rule of thumb is that you juice fruit with fruit and vegetables with vegetables. You can put carrots in with anything, though.

I, like lots of other Americans, have started 2012 with a resolution of eating healthier. Since juice requires little digestion and contains a densely packed amount of vitamins and minerals, all that good stuff gets rapidly into your system. Plus, it’s pretty easy to do and if you’ve read my column before then you know I am all about easy food preparation. I am definitely juicing up the New Year.

A friend informed me the other day that 80% of people abandon their resolutions by Valentines Day. Pretty gloomy statistic, isn’t it? Well I am proud to say that I’ll be a member of the other 20%, since I’m sure I can keep mine going until at least St. Patty’s Day.

The directions are all the same for these recipes…throw the ingredients into your juicer and drink it when it’s done! Here are a few great ones to try:

Liver Cleanse


  • 2 green apples (cored, chopped, peel on)
  • 1/4 peeled grapefruit
  • 1/4 lemon (peeled)
  • 1/2 beet (chopped, peel on)
  • 2 pears (cored, chopped, peel on)

The Classic


  • 4 carrots (unpeeled)
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1 handful parsley
  • 4 leaves spinach

Carrot Cleanser


  • 3 carrots (unpeeled)
  • 1/2 beet (chopped, peel on)
  • 1/2 cucumber (chopped, peel on)

Best of luck with your resolutions! Happy New Year!

Fruit with Bill & Sheila
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