Honey Production Slumps in 2011

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Honey Production Slumps in 2011

“I’ve been beekeeping for 30 years and this would have to be the worst year I’ve ever had by a long shot.”

David Leyland, who has bee hives in Chidlow, north-east of Perth, describes the type of season beekeepers in the state experienced in 2011.

Mr Leyland, who also chairs the WA Farmers Federation’s beekeeper section, says he’s only managed to produce a third of the honey he usually bottles.

“We’ve produced about 18 tonne of honey since June and normally we’d be looking at producing 50 to 60 tonnes quite comfortably,” he said.

“The reduction is an effect from the dry weather conditions we’ve had over the past few years.

“Although we’ve had good spring rainfall this year, the trees are still trying to recover from the drought.

“So they’re putting more effort into growing and they’re not secreting nectar or pollen, needed for the bees to pollinate and produce honey.”

It’s a story that’s mirrored across the state.

WA’s honey production has more than halved this year which is costing beekeepers tens of thousands of dollars.

Max Fewster was a beekeeper near Gingin, north of Perth, for more than 40 years before his sons took over his business in 2005.

He says the majority of the state’s beekeepers will be struggling to cover the costs of production this year.

“My boys are down anywhere between 40 and 50 per cent at least this year and in a rough estimate that’s about $80,000,” he said.

Drought conditions

While dry weather conditions typically affect other areas of the state’s primary industries on a seasonal basis, honey production is affected by longer term trends.

The West Australian Apiarist Society says the plants and trees which are needed for honey production have failed to blossom this year as a result of continuous dry weather over the past few years.

The society’s president Ian Beeson says without flowers or blossom, bees don’t have anything to pollinate and therefore can’t produce honey.

He says despite WA recording its eighth wettest Spring on record this year, the rain hasn’t encouraged flower growth, rather the plants have used the moisture to rejuvenate.

“The trees and plants have decided to go with more growth than flowers which has cut the number of blossoms that the bees can go and forage in and collect nectar from,” he said.

Mr Leyland says it’s a season the industry had been anticipating.

“The eucalypts seem to react later; last year, when all the farmers were upset about the drought conditions, we were lucky, we had good blossoms but we knew it was coming and it’s affected us this year,” he said.


Bees don’t only produce honey; they also pollinate two thirds of the state’s fruit and vegetable crops.

Mr Leyland says the beekeeping industry provides a valuable service to many sectors of the state’s agriculture industry.

“In terms of honey, the industry is worth just over $5 million but when you include incidental pollination and paid pollination, you’re looking at close to $100 million a year,” he said.

The University of Western Australia’s plant biology department’s Boris Baer says maintaining healthy bee populations is essential.

“The pollination service that [the] honey bee provides to the Australian agricultural sector is huge; about a third of the food we eat depends upon honeybee pollination,” he said.

“We need these little creatures to produce our food, and the pollination value of the honeybees is between $4 and $6 billion a year.”

Although some agriculturalists and horticulturalists pay beekeepers to pollinate their crops, a large section of the two industries still heavily rely upon native bee pollination or what is called incidental pollination.

Mr Leyland says the industry is trying to encourage more farmers to pay for pollination services.

“It’s important for growers to actually realise the importance of bees and to think about paying a beekeeper to have their crops pollinated by cultivated bees because they provide a much better service than feral bees,” he said.

Mr Fewster’s sons are already capitalising on the paid pollination market in America.

“The few beekeepers that actually make a living purely out of honey production is a drop in the ocean compared to the value of all primary production; bees are of huge value to the human race,” he said.

“For the last couple of years, my boys have been supplementing their income by importing bees into America which go into pollinate thousands of hectares of almond groves which require thousands of bee hives.”


Professor Baer is conducting a short-term research fellowship which is focusing on strengthening the sustainability of the state’s bee industry.

He says maintaining healthy bee populations during poor honey seasons is essential to WA’s agricultural sector.

“In the long term we need to find news ways of how we can safeguard our bees to make sure that we have sufficient pollination in order to produce our food in the future.”

For Mr Fewster, the biggest challenge is keeping the bee populations alive and healthy until next year.

“At the moment, most of the bees have been transported down to Ravensthorpe, nine hours south because the weather conditions are better for feeding,” he said.

“We’ve got to keep the queens laying eggs so we’ve got bees in our hives.

“If we can keep them alive, hopefully the trees will respond well to the rain and we’re hoping they’ll put a new crop of buds out on the new wood that they’ve made this year.”

Mr Leyland is optimistic that the season will turnaround next year.

“The white gums and our marri trees have reacted to the better rainfall and have just grown, they’re now recovering from the dry conditions, so if we get good rain next year, it should be back to normal,” he said.

Mr Beeson is also hopeful.

“Many beekeepers are hoping to get good rains again next year which should prompt the trees to produce a lot more flower and having the moisture in the ground will also help to produce the nectar,” he said.

If that happens, bees will once again be able to produce honey in much greater volumes.

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