Poultry properly prepared can be part of a healthy diet

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Poultry properly prepared can be part of a healthy diet

QUESTION: I recently saw Harvard’s Healthy Eating Plate and noticed that poultry was listed as a healthy protein. I am not surprised that you’re recommending fish, nuts or beans. But why poultry?

ANSWER: While fish, nuts and beans are by far the healthiest proteins you can add to your diet, poultry does have an advantage over beef, lamb and pork.

Compared with red meat, chicken and turkey have relatively low levels of saturated fat — about half as much saturated as unsaturated fat.

What’s the rap on saturated fat? It increases heart attack and stroke risk when compared to healthy fats.

“Healthy fats” means the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat in fish, olive oil and other vegetable oils. This does not include trans fat, most of which is artificially produced from vegetable oil. Trans fat is even worse than saturated fat when it comes to increasing heart disease and stroke risk.

One important point of clarification: Saying that chicken is a healthful protein should NOT be interpreted as an endorsement of chicken nuggets or other prepared fried chicken dishes as some kind of health food. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Most chicken nuggets are coated with a batter that is made from processed white flour and contains lots of salt.

The exact ingredients vary depending on the brand or restaurant, but it’s a safe bet that very little, if any, whole grain is used in these preparations. And most will be high in fat because of the way they are processed or prepared.

When the Healthy Eating Plate mentions chicken or turkey as healthy proteins, it is referring to baked poultry, preferably skinless to reduce fat.

A quick summary of other recommendations made on the Healthy Eating Plate includes the following advice:

• Make half your meal vegetables and fruits. Go for variety. And keep in mind that potatoes and French fries don’t count.

• Choose whole grains whenever you can. Limit refined grains, like white rice and white bread, because they produce a rapid rise in blood sugar.

• Pick the healthiest sources of protein, such as fish, poultry, beans and nuts; cut back on red meat; avoid bacon, cold cuts and other processed meats.

• Healthy oils (like olive and canola oil) are good for you. Don’t be afraid to use them for cooking, on salads and at the table.

• Drink water, tea or coffee. Milk and dairy are not must-have foods; limit them to one to two servings a day. Go easy on juice. Avoid sugary drinks.

• Stay active!

Chicken can be part of a good, healthy diet — a diet that reduces your risk of disease and helps control your weight. But chicken and most other foods can be junked up and made unhealthy, depending on how they are prepared.

Even within the realm of healthy proteins, you still need to assess healthfulness on a case-by-case basis. Remember, too, that your overall, long-term dietary pattern is what matters most, not a wing or thigh here and there.

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