27/12/2011Top Ten foods of Spain

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Top Ten foods of Spain 27/12/2011

1. Sangria
While in Spain, If you feel thirsty and you want something fresh and slightly alcoholic, try Sangria. It is very popular, not only in Spain, but also in Portugal and Argentina. This punch is made from wine, cut fresh fruit, some sweetener, a little bit of brandy, soda and ice.  

2. Paella
 Paella is the typical rice meal of Valencia, and it originates from the 19th century. Paella comes in many varieties, including mixed paella, Valencian paella, seafood paella, vegetarian paella. Its main ingredients are white rice, green vegetables and, depending on the paella, some meat (duck, chicken or rabbit) or seafood (shrimp, lobster, mussels).

3. Tapas
When eating tapas, you can usually choose from an exquisite variety of delicious appetizers or snacks. There are cold tapas (olives, cheeses, vegetables, smoked salmon) and warm tapas (fried shrimps, backed squid), which have formed their own cuisine within the Spanish one.You can find many bars and restaurants in Spain offering only tapas. You can just walk around and choose the ones that seem most attractive to you. Then you can combine them according to your taste and create the perfect and complete tapas plate.   


4. Tortilla Espaniola
This is definitely the most famous Spanish omlette. It may also be called Tortilla de Patata. It is often served as an appetizer, however many people eat it at lunch as well. This omlette can also be served in little portions as tapas. Some Spaniards even put it on bread and eat it as a sandwich. It is made of potatoes, onions and eggs that are fried in a pan with a little bit of olive oil.

5. Chorizo
Chorizo is a hard sausage used in many different meals in Spanish cuisine. You may find it in tapas and sandwiches, and can be eaten without any further cooking. It has a rich red color due to the smoked red peppers from which it is made.
6. Chuletillas de cordero
Lamb chops mixed with garlic and salt are typical for the Castilla region. Generally, they are served hot with fried or grilled potatoes.

7. Gazpacho

Gazpacho is the name for the cold tomato soup that is one of the most refreshing Spanish appetizers. You can even try making it yourself, as it is not that difficult to make. You need to blend fresh tomatoes, green peppers, garlic, cucumbers, onions, vinegar, tarragon, sugar and water. Then you have to let is stand covered overnight. Serve it with croutons, cucumber and avocado.


8. Espanicas de catalana
Espanicas de catalana (Spinach with pine nuts) is a very healthy salad made of spinach, pine nuts, raisins, olive oil, garlic and pieces of stale white bread.

9. Pulpo a la Gallega
Pulpo a la Gallega is a typical meal in Galicia. It is made of octopus, that is first boiled and later flavored with paprika, rock salt and olive oil. This dish might not be for every taste, because of the texture of the octopus. This dish can be also served with grilled potatoes and other vegetables, which makes it more attractive to the less adventurous.  

10. Patatas Bravas
Often served as tapas, this dish is made of white potatoes cut into irregular shapes, fried in oil and served with spicy hot tomato sauce. This dish often comes with a glass of wine or orujo.

Veneta Krumova / Expatica


Paella and other Recipes from Spain with Bill & Sheila(click on the graphic for more information)Spain

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