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Scotland – Great Scot, what’s that on my plate?
Following our recent story on whisky, we thought it would be fun to explore the culinary delights of the Scotland, where Scotch comes from. Starting with something called deep fried butter balls – if your health and sanity allow, that is.
After the success of the deep fried Mars Bar, chefs in Scotland have devised the ultimate high-calorie snack with deep fried butter balls. The dessert, made from frozen balls of butter and given a Scottish twist with Irn Bru batter, is already popular in the United States.
Described as a “heart attack on a plate”, the chefs at The Fiddler’s Elbow in Edinburgh serve the sticky treat with Irn Bru ice cream and coulis. For those wanting an even more potent version of the dish, called Braveheart Butter Bombs, a variation with whisky batter is also available.
The creation was devised by Simon Robertson, head chef, and Paul Fitchie, a former chef with Harvey Nichols. Mr Robertson said: “We thought we’d add a bit of fun to our menu of Scottish dishes and it’s really got people talking.
“Some folk are saying it’s a heart attack on a plate and, okay, it’s not exactly health food but as long as you’re not having it every day it shouldn’t be any problem.”
It is believed to be the first time deep fried butter has been on the menu in Scotland. It first emerged as a snack at the Iowa State Fair in the US earlier this year. Nutritionists said its estimated calorie content was 1,450. The NHS recommends adult men need around 2,500 calories a day while women need around 2,000.
Oliver Scott, who runs The Fiddler’s Elbow, said: “It might not be too nutritious but it’s definitely delicious.
“We’ve been trying it out on volunteers who are loving it. It actually tastes lighter than you’d expect, it’s a bit like eating a banana fritter but nicer and obviously a bit naughtier.
“We hope it will help cheer people up in a time of gloom.
“We know that when things are tough economically people like to treat themselves to a little comfort food and this is the ultimate indulgence – so long as people don’t overdo it.”
But balls of butter aren’t the only thing Scotland’s chefs have come up with. Here are some famous Scottish delights.
Deep fried Mars Bar
The most famous deep fried snack to come out of Scotland, shops around the country will also deep fry any other chocolate confectionery including Bounty and Snickers. Its first reported appearance was in August 1995 before chip shops also stretched to deep fried Creme Eggs.
A traditional dish from the Scottish Borders. The main ingredients are potato, cabbage and onion. Similar to Irish colcannon, and English bubble and squeak, it is either served as an accompaniment to a main dish or as a main dish itself. In January 2009, Gordon Brown submitted a recipe for rumbledethumps to a cookbook for Donaldson’s School for the Deaf, describing it as his favourite food.
Munchy Box
Continuing the fast food theme, the Munchy Box was first reported in 2008 and is a pizza box crammed with assorted takeaways. Typically, these include doner kebab meat, chips, cheese and naan bread. Health officials in Glasgow warned the meal boxes, which were popular with schoolchildren, contained an around a day’s worth of calories for an adult.
Crappit Heid
A traditional Scottish dish among the working classes who could not afford the more expensive fillets. The dish consists of the head of large cod stuffed with oats, suet, onion and the liver of the fish. All the ingredients are sewn into the head which was then boiled in seawater. The poaching liquid was often drunk as a soup. Although a head stuff with offal may sound unappetising to modern pallets it is actually a healthy and nutritious dish, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and cod liver oil.
Of course, this has to be on the list. Celebrated by Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns, haggis is the country’s national dish and ingredients include offal, beef or lamb, oatmeal and onion. Along with black pudding, haggis has a rich flavour and is one of Scotland’s more traditional exports. Some fish and chip shops will sell deep fried haggis.
Irn Bru
The bright orange carbonated drink has been made in Scotland since 1901, and its name was originally spelt Iron Brew. The fruity flavour is made with a secret recipe known only to two people including the former chairman Robin Barr. Famously promoted as “made from girders”, one Scottish butcher even used the orange drink in his special Irn Bru and sweet chilli sausages.
Roll and pie
As simple as it sounds, a pie within a roll is also a good way to get plenty of carbohydrates. This hearty snack is so popular it even has its own Facebook group.
Deep fried pizza
Available in fish and chip shops which also supply deep fried Mars bars, this has been described as “the taste of the 1970s” in Scotland. Usually consisting of a cheap supermarket-bought pizza deep fried and smothered in brown sauce and salt. Sometimes shops will add chips before deep frying. In Fife, it is quite common for the whole pizza to be fried in batter.
Cullen Skink
A thick Scottish soup made from smoked haddock, potatoes and onions. The name is derived from the Gaelic and refers to the town of Cullen in Moray and the word for shin or shank which developed the secondary meaning of soup.
A vegetable dish of mashed potatoes and swede or yellow turnip. It is usually served with haggis and is sometimes called Clapshaw or Orcadian Clapshot.
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