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Choose juicing

There is no other season when you almost want to give up on eating. Celebrating a good year that has passed, reuniting with classmates, meeting up with friends, grouping with relatives … are all done with a buffet of rich food and flowing drinks! Not to mention the best desserts to feast on.

When you reach your saturation, all you want to do is push yourself away from the table. This is also when you choose to go on cleansing and juicing. We spoke to Camille Porras of Liquid Sunshine, a juice delivery business owner, regarding the healthy practice of juicing.

THE PHILIPPINE STAR: How did you get into juicing?

CAMILLE PORRAS: My family started juicing when my dad got sick with cancer.  We purchased a juicer that comes with a hydraulic press, which grinds and masticates the vegetables and fruits without killing the enzymes.  My dad’s appetite was dwindling then and it was important that the food he took was pure and unadulterated.

How much juice do you personally take every day? What benefits did you derive that convinced you to make this a way of life?

Every chance I get, upon waking up and especially before bed.  I have customers who take four bottles a day in lieu of their meals. Since I started juicing, I rarely get sick.  And whenever I feel feverish, I just drink more juice and it always works! I attribute my strong immune system to the juices we take.  I know I get the nutrition my body needs by regularly drinking a variety of vegetable juices. Physically, I noticed my nails are so smooth and it grows real fast!  And most importantly, I feel good about myself, knowing I’m feeding my body with pure and healthy goodness.

You mentioned that your mother is also a happy, loyal juicer. Tell us more about this.

My mom was so stressed out seeing my dad sick.  She had to take care of her health, too, and wasn’t discriminate on which taste appealed to her. So she drank all the juices we gave her. Her skin became translucent and her hair more buoyant and shiny, which she attributes not to the creams she’s using but to the juices she’s drinking. Good health indeed manifests itself on the outside — our skin, nails, hair.

How did juicing change your life?

Juicing has made me more aware of what I feed my body. It gave me a whole new perspective about what to feed my body and the benefits you reap when you make a conscious effort to take responsibility for it.  You can’t help but be more attuned to and aware of your body functions.  Our body heals itself, only if you address the chemical shortages due to stress and exhaustion by cleansing and feeding the immune system properly. Only then does our body heal by virtue of natural laws.

What convinced you to take this up as a business?

I discovered juicing and its wonders when my dad got sick. We lovingly prepared juices for him every day.  When he passed away, I wanted to do something that mattered and meant something. And so, Liquid Sunshine was born.  I also wanted fresh, healthy food to be convenient to purchase. Something our customers can include in their daily diet and that’s why I chose a delivery service.

What is your favorite juice blend?

Oh a lot!  I like juicing beets because of its amazing benefits.  It goes well with apple. I also love spinach.  Ampalaya is also good juiced with pineapple. I can go on and on!

What tips can you give to those who want to start juicing?

Start right now!  Some people take it only when they want to cleanse or detoxify (which is good), but I recommend that it be part of your daily diet.  It’s a great way of balancing one’s eating habits. Don’t compromise on the quality of your ingredients. Organic produce may be more expensive but considering it doesn’t go through the process of cooking, you might as well get the best picks, fresh and unadulterated. Beware also of slight dizziness when you start juicing. My mom and I noticed we’d get dizzy after drinking and a doctor explained that it’s because of the live enzymes we drink that go straight to our blood stream.

Any favorite juicing books or blogs?

Dr. Jensen’s Juicing Therapy.

Mayo Clinic’s nutritionist Jennifer K. Nelson said that juicing is probably not any healthier than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Juice extracts contain most of the vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) except the healthy fiber lost during most juicing.

Nelson said “proponents say that juicing is better for you than eating whole fruits and vegetables because your body can absorb the nutrients better and it gives your digestive system a rest from working on fiber. They say that juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, help you remove toxins from your body, aid digestion, and help you lose weight. But there’s no sound scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself.”

She did confirm though that “ if you don’t enjoy eating fresh fruits and vegetables, juicing may be a fun way to add them to your diet or to try fruits and vegetables you normally wouldn’t eat. You can find many juicing recipes online or mix up your own combinations of fruits and vegetables to suit your taste.”

She concluded, “If you do try juicing, make only as much juice as you can drink at one time because fresh squeezed juice can quickly develop harmful bacteria. And when juicing, try to keep some of the pulp. Not only does it have healthy fiber, it can help fill you up, too. Note that juices from some fruits and vegetables can contain more sugar than you might realize, and this can add unwanted calories and lead to weight gain.”

Want to read on and explore? The top 10 sites for juicing on are,,,,,,,,, and

(You may view details of Camille’s wonderful juices at

* * *

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