Is breakfast making you fat? recommends these products

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Is breakfast making you fat?

Toast with jam. Sugary cereal and milk with a glass of juice. Banana bread and a caramel latte. If you ate any of these combinations for breakfast, chances are you were hungry a few hours later, craving sugar and increasing the risk of adding extra calories to your diet.

Breakfast is the meal we spend the least time planning and eating, yet it is so important for firing up the brain and kick-starting our metabolism after the overnight fast.

Dietician Susie Burrell says the key is to plan ahead – those who eat a balanced and nutritious breakfast will ensure their eating habits are on track for the day.
“People who don’t are more likely to become a victim of their food environment. They’ll get to 9am or 10am and eat whatever is around,” she says.
“Particularly in the city with food courts, there’s muffins and cakes, not whole grains.”

So what does a nutritious breakfast look like? Burrell recommends a combination of protein (10 to 20g) and carbohydrates (30 to 60g).

“You should be eating a source of wholegrain low GI carbohydrates for energy but also some lean protein in the form of dairy food, eggs or beans,” she says.

“That combination is not only superior nutritionally, but the balance will help to regulate blood glucose levels during the day, as opposed to a high carbohydrate breakfast, such as toast and juice or banana bread. Nutritionally it is resulting in a substantially higher release of insulin, which predisposes people to weight gain.”

Her top picks for protein: ricotta, cottage cheese, eggs or thick natural yoghurt.

For carbohydrates: oats, dense soy and linseed bread, fresh fruit, bran or a small portion of muesli.

“To be honest there are very few cereals in the supermarket that I recommend with the exception of a bran flake or muesli,” she says.
Portion size is very important, particularly when it comes to muesli, she says.

“It’s very energy dense and the clients I see really aren’t burning off those calories. Because it’s a sweet taste in the mouth, it’s easy to eat a lot of it rather than All Bran.”

A recent study published in the Nutrition Journal found that people who ate a large, calorie-laden breakfast went on to eat a high calorie lunch and dinner, contradicting the long-held belief that a big breakfast is best.

Eating a smaller breakfast was associated with a lower daily calorie intake, the study found.

Dietitians Association of Australia spokesman Alan Barclay described the study as “a little bit simplistic” as it looked at the meal only in terms of the kilojoules consumed, not the nutrients.

Water content, the amount of dietary fibre and the glycemic index of foods are three factors known to affect appetite later in the day, he says.

“I think the important thing is to have a good quality breakfast,” Dr Barclay says. “The quality is just as important as the number of kilojoules.”

A poor choice from a quality perspective is a daily eggs and bacon fry up, he says.

Try swapping this for a piece of wholegrain, low GI bread with an egg that has been poached or fried in a non-stick pan.

“It would be fine if you were working out in a field all day but with our sedentary lifestyles they’re not a good idea,” he says. “It is just excess calories without dietary fibre.

“Half a glass of juice contains as many calories as a piece of fruit without the dietary fibre usually. It doesn’t fill you up as well as a piece of fruit.”

Skipping breakfast is another no-no. Dr Barclay says in the short term the impact on the body can be lethargy or a foggy brain. Longer term, it can lead to weight gain.

“There is very good evidence that children who have breakfast perform better at school and that translates to adults too,” he says.

“It’s important for performance and skipping it will have negative metabolic consequences for most of us.”

As for those eggs and bacon, there’s no need to erase them from the menu altogether.

Dr Barclay doesn’t object to the odd fry up for a special occasion or weekend treat.
Follow this reporter on Twitter @Sarah McInerney

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