Vegetarian and Carnivores Can Unite at Hillstone recommends these products

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Vegetarian and Carnivores Can Unite at Hillstone


It’s December, the month when the holiday season reminds us to actually make time to spend time with one another. Whether meeting family or friends, chances are good that once or twice this month, you’ll go out to eat somewhere fancy. Don’t make the same mistake as last year and overlook the other thing that the holidays are known for — bickering.

Everyone wants to go to their favorite restaurant, and yet they have to accommodate different diets and tastes. A majority of diners settle for a steakhouse, the one place that all Americans are supposed to love. Vegetarian, however, might not be too thrilled with that idea. Sure, they have salads and baked potatoes, but where’s the variety?

Enter Hillstone. It’s not exactly a vegetarian paradise, but it is a restaurant where the whole family will find something to enjoy. They have numerous vegetarian appetizers, and for entrees, they have a House-Made Veggie Burger or a Seasonal Veggie Plate that comes with three fresh vegetables. This week, they were serving Brussels sprouts, spaghetti squash, and beets, which can also be ordered individually as an appetizer for only $4.

How was the food? Find out after the jump…

The Brussels sprouts made a great vegetarian appetizer, fairly light without any overpowering flavor. They were seasoned with butter, salt, and pepper, pretty much exactly what Brussels sprouts should be. These still had tooth to them but were perfectly tender.


Hillstone’s House-Made Veggie Burger patty is made with brown rice, black beans, and oat bran. It is definitely a step up from the usual Gardenburger, and it’s pretty cool to actually see the whole grains of rice inside. The patty is marinated in sweet soy sauce, giving it a salty, savory flavor not unlike a real burger. It’s then topped with melted jack cheese and all of the regulars: tomato, pickle, onion, lettuce, and mayo.

This Veggie Burger is tasty, but unfortunately, it fell apart a quarter of the way through and was no longer finger food. It is still delicious with a knife and fork, but it definitely takes away from the hamburger eating experience. One of the best things about this burger is actually the option of side dishes: traditional French fries, coleslaw with Ding’s dressing (whatever that is, it has lots of dill), or couscous with lemon vinaigrette. Eating a veggie burger with a side of couscous at first felt a little strange, but the flavors worked really well together. And if anything, it certainly wasn’t a typical vegetarian meal at a steakhouse.

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Vegetarian, Raw and Vegan with Bill & Sheila

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