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Using relaxing herbs during the holidays
With Christmas right around the corner, the expectation and
anticipation of the season is upon us.
We have certain expectations, mostly those that we have burdened
ourselves into fulfilling. In my experience, expectations are never
quite met and disappointment soon follows. Over the years I have
simplified my expectations which make them more attainable and the
holidays more enjoyable.
Taking time for yourself, even if it is a cup of tea or a
relaxing bath, always helps. During this time you can regroup and
get a handle on what really needs to get done. Then with a
refreshed body and mind, get the next job on your list completed
with renewed focus.
A nice relaxing cup of tea made with herbs from the garden would do the trick.
tea made with herbs does not have any caffeine in it. If your box of tea says
“decaffeinated” and the word “herbal” on the same box, it is not a
tea made from herbs, it is an “herbs flavored tea” with black or green tea
leaves as the major ingredient with herbs added for additional
flavor. Herbs do not have caffeine and thus don’t need to be
decaffeinated. So if you want to relax, choose an tea made with herbs, one
with chamomile is particularly nice for relaxing. Lemon balm makes
a delicious cup of relaxing tea, as well as basil or catnip.
The fragrance emitted from the essential oils contained in herbs
also helps to relax us. They can be used in a spritzer, a
moisturizing cream or lotion, herbal bath whether you use dry or
fresh herbs, bath oil or bath salts, shower scrubs or foot soaks.
All will give you some pampering and relieve stress plus they make
great gifts.
A spritzer is made with distilled water and essential oil/s of
your choice and put in a misting bottle. It is shaken before
spraying so the floating oil will be temporarily mixed into the
water and released in a fine mist as you push the sprayer. You can
spritz your body, clothes or just in the air at home, at work, on
your airplane travel or in your hotel room. Although it dissipates
quickly it can calm and relax you.
Moisturizing cream and lotion is a good way to keep your skin
hydrated and the addition of a light fragrance can have a calming
affect on you. Make in small quantities so it stays fresh.
I have been making herbal baths for years. I use a combination
of dry herbs, citrus peel, and maybe some oatmeal that scents the
bath water and the air to relax you while you are soaking in a warm
bath. I suggest that the herbs are put in a cloth bag and brewed
like a tea and then the hot herbal water added to the bath.
Bath oils are a combination of almond or sesame oil and
essential oils of your choice. A teaspoon of the bath oil is added
to a tub of hot water. A nice combination of oils for a relaxing
bath is: lavender, chamomile and a few drops of sandalwood or
cedar. Bath salts are a simple combination of Epsom salts, powdered
milk, baking soda and essential oils. Use about 1/4 cup per
A shower scrub is good for the skin and can be very relaxing.
You just scoop some of the scrub onto your hand and gently rub it
over your skin. It will exfoliate your skin as well as soften it
and breathing in the fragrance will also relax you. A foot soak is
done by sitting in a chair, putting your feet in a warm bucket of
water that has had some herbs added to it. This works to relax you
in a number of ways: sitting will relax your body, your feet are
relaxing in some warm water and the fragrance works to soothe the
stress away by breathing it in. You can read a book, meditate or
just close your eyes and do some relaxation breathing.
Most of the following recipes are taken from “The Creative
Herbal Home,” by Susan Belsinger Tina Marie Wilcox, two of my
herbal friends. For more wonderful recipes order your own copy of
the book by going to and click on
Donna Frawley is the owner of Frawley’s Fine Herbary and
author of “The Herbal Breads Cookbook” and “Edible Flowers Book”
and has her own DVD “Cooking with Herbs.” Look for her column each
month in the Daily News. She can be reached at 631-3136, at
[email protected] or at
Well-Being Spritzer
Relaxing and uplifting
4 ounces distilled water
About 6 drops lavender essential oil
About 7 drops bergamot essential oil
Drop the essential oils into your 4 – ounce spritzer bottle,
then carefully pour the water in. Cap, shake and spritz. Adjust
with a few more drops of essential oil if necessary and label. Use
within a month or two; shake well before using. Keep out of reach
of children.
Lavender Bath
This is my own combination that smells great, is relaxing and
very good for the skin.
4 ounces rose petals
4 ounces lavender flowers
4 ounces rolled oats
2 ounces orange peel
2 ounces lemon peel
1/4 cup rosemary
8 bay leaves – crumbled
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl then store in an
airtight container or divide into smaller containers for gifts. Be
sure to put the instructions on the container.
When ready to use: fill drawstring bag half full. Bring to boil
in a quart of water, add herb filled bag and simmer for 5 to 10
minutes. Pour into bath water.
Bliss Blend Bath Salts
Calming, soothing and warming
7/8 cup Epsom salt
4 drops lavender essential oil
3 drops cedarwood essential oil
3 drops clary sage essential oil
2 drops chamomile essential oil
2 tablespoons milk powder
2 tablespoons baking soda
Put the salt in a non-reactive container and sprinkle the
essential oils over it. Use a spoon to stir it around. Add the milk
powder and baking soda and blend well. Pour the salt into a clean
jar, cover with a lid and label; keep out of reach of children.
Note: An 8-ounce jar is enough for about 3 or 4 baths; when
giving this as a gift, include these instructions on the label
Caution; It is not safe to use many essential oils if you are
pregnant or nursing, so contact your health care provider if you
have any concerns or questions.
Copyright 2011 Midland Daily News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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