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Bizcocho de chocolate – Spanish Chocolate Cake

With so many different fruits available all year round in Spain, it is inevitable that many of the fruits find their way into cakes and desserts. This is an unusual cake, not to be confused with the type of chocolate cake we are used to in the UK, but quite delicious all the same. Try it, see what you think.

Ingredients (10 people)

1 package of chocolate cake mix (Nestlé)
1 banana peeled and chopped and mashed
1 apple peeled and chopped and mashed
1 pear peeled and chopped and mashed
150 g. frozen fruits of the forest

10 minutes preparation. Heat oven to 180 C. Grease a pan with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the prepared cake mix into the pan.

Thaw berries. Add to the preparation of banana chips, apples and pears, reserve some berries for the garnish.

Place the pan on a rack in the centre of oven and let cook 40 minutes.

Check the cake is cooked by piercing with a needle, if it comes out clean, the cake is ready. Remove from pan, let cool and serve garnished with fruit.

Chocolate with Bill & Sheila

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