Chocolate cookies for holiday baking recommends these products

Chocolate Crackle Cookies

Chocolate cookies for holiday baking

(Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post)
If anything’s as certain as the presence of cookies this holiday season, it’s that you’re almost guaranteed to find some kind of chocolate cookie and some kind of chocolate chip cookie. And rightfully so. Both appeal to us with their bite-sized portions of decadence and nostalgia. Our Recipe Finder is full of variations on each classic. Here are a few to get your creative cooking juices going:

Chocolate cookies

Chocolate Crackle Cookies. If you like your chocolate cookies deep and dark, this one’s for you.

Chocolate Ginger Biscotti. These vegan treats seem made for dipping into a Christmas morning cup of coffee.

Chocolate Meringue Cookies. This gluten-free cookie has a crispy exterior.

Chocolate Mudslide Cookies. The name pretty much says it all.

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies. A traditional holiday flavor pairing develops thanks in part to peppermint oil.

Chocolate Snowflakes. If only these came down in blizzards .?.?.

View Photo Gallery :? From thumbprints to exotic shortbread, our collection of holiday cookie recipes has something for everyone. This year, we’ve highlighted the handiwork of bakers with local connections.

Chocolate chip cookies

Blueberry and White Chocolate Chunk Ginger Cookies. Here’s one way to really mix up your cookie repertoire.

Chock-Full of Chocolate Chip Cookies. Each of these monsters has at least 50 chocolate chips.

Chocolate Chunk Cookies With Nutella. Up the ante with chocolate hazelnut spread swirled into the dough.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies. Thank “Top Chef Just Desserts” finalist Matthew Petersen for this recipe.

Very Soft, Very Chewy, Kinda Thin Chocolate Chip Cookies. We pulled this customized recipe from the Cookulus app. Take it as is, or develop your own.

Whole-Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies. You’ll feel slightly less guilty eating these than you would a version made with all-purpose flour.

Related links:

Holiday Guide

Holiday Food Entertaining

Cookie Guide: 25 recipes for the best holiday treats

Sugar cookie recipes for holiday baking

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