Vegan lifestyle is cruelty-free recommends these products

Vegan lifestyle is cruelty-free

THE Vegan Society of NSW has celebrated 30 years of spreading the word of compassion towards animals and educating people about veganism.

A Vegan shuns meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients as well as animal derived products such as leather and wool.

Cara Davis of Sylvania became a vegan after living a vegetarian lifestyle for four years.

“For me, it was about knowing that nothing I eat, wear or consume involves animal suffering,” she said.

“I enjoyed being vegetarian but felt a bit hypocritical sometimes as a lot of suffering and harm takes place in the dairy industry.

“It is really easy [for people] to become disconnected from food choices today.

“They purchase milk and turn a blind eye to where it came from but if they really thought about where their food came from they would be more understanding of veganism.”

The health implications of not consuming animal products also appealed.

“A lot of people think vegans have no energy or are unfit,” Ms Davis said.

“I run ultra-marathons and last year did the 87-kilometre Comrades Marathon in South Africa.

“As a vegan, I can get all of the protein, vitamins and nutrients I need to be able to run for 10 hours.

“I think that’s a testament to how healthy a vegan diet can be.”

Ms Davis said some people were understanding of her choice but others were dismissive.

“Most people understand vegetarianism but with veganism, some people find it difficult to grasp why you wouldn’t eat eggs and milk,” she said.

Ms Davis joined the Vegan Society six months ago.

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