Cooking with holiday spices recommends these products


Cooking with holiday spices

What is more mouth-watering at this time of year than pumpkin bread baking in the oven or warm tapioca pudding with a sprinkle of nutmeg? The season of fragrant spices is here. These spices not only add delicious flavors to favorite foods, but do so without adding extra calories, fat, or salt.

First in the alphabet is allspice.  This fragrant spice comes from a berry that grows in Jamaica.  The aroma is that of several spices (cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg) which is most likely why it is popular during the holidays.  Uses include mulled beverages, desserts, and seasonal vegetables.

Cardamom is one that is popular in Indian cuisine.  Those who have tasted a dish or any variation known as Carrot Rice have enjoyed this spice.  Cardamom is a good partner with cinnamon and used with vegetables such as rice and squash, or with baked goods.  Try something new this year with cardamom-spiced party mix!


Cinnamon is a favorite of many, this writer included!  This spice is added to desserts and hot beverages, such as bread pudding, quick breads, and warm cider.  If cinnamon is a preferred spice, try spreading peanut butter on a toasted bagel and then adding a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Or, add to cooked cereals with raisins for a morning treat.

For an afternoon pick-me-up, try mixing a dash of cinnamon with coffee grounds before brewing.  The aroma and flavor will perk up a dreary winter afternoon.  Dinner is another opportunity for cinnamon—sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots all benefit from the flavor of this spice.

Cloves offer a distinctly different taste sensation.  Along with cinnamon, this spice is used in mulled cider and wine recipes.  Some cooks stick whole cloves into ham before baking for added flavor or into whole oranges as a decoration.  Both foods emit a wonderful aroma!  

Asia has been home to ginger for over 4000 years.  Some may know ginger as a remedy for symptoms of motion sickness and mild stomach issues. However, fresh ginger can be a welcome addition to recipes, too. Check out the Ginger Pumpkin Flan from EatingWell magazine—healthy and tasty, too.

Another aromatic spice that can be added to holiday breads, cookies, cooked cereals, and puddings is nutmeg. It is also a flavorful addition to rice and winter squash.  Mace, the lacy covering found on nutmeg when harvested, has a slightly lighter taste than nutmeg.  Mace adds a delicate flavor to casseroles with eggs and cheese, and veggies such as cabbage.

There are numerous guides available to help one use spices to add interest to holiday meals.  Check out Whole Foods Market for more seasonal ideas.  The Mountain Brook location is convenient for those living in the Birmingham, Alabama, area.  

Or, how about going right to the source?   Residents in the Birmingham area are fortunate to have a Penzeys Spices located in Homewood.  The store has array of spices to suite everyone’s need.  The location is quaint and feels like walking into grandmother’s kitchen!  Besides picking out a new spice for home use, why not pick out a few as gifts for all the gourmet cooks on the shopping list?  Another option:  send for, or download a catalog at the Penzey site.  The catalogs are chock full of information about all kinds of spices and include a recipe or two!

Whatever recipe one chooses, there is a spice that can be added for a unique flavor.  Try something new today!


The articles written by Andrea Wenger, Birmingham Diets Examiner, are for informational purposes only and are not to be used in the place of medical advice. Please contact a licensed physician or other medical professional before changing any health care routine or before starting any diet, fitness, or exercise program. Although every effort has been made to include the most current information, new information is released daily and may cause some recommendations to change.

Image: Grant Cochrane /


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