Red-Simmered Chicken Wings

Red-Simmered Chicken Wings

I have always loved Chinese food . As a child it was a treat for the family if we piled into the car and went to a Chinese restaurant . My mother would always order the Pu Pu Platter which we always loved as it was full of glazed meats, egg rolls , and the like. However as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that what we were eating was really Chinese food prepared for the American masses.

For years I’ve wanted to try more traditional Chinese food , but being poor and unable to travel to China , or even the closest American Chinatown , I’ve just lived vicariously through Anthony Bourdain and other such food travelers. But I’ve grown bored with that and it is time to start looking for traditional Chinese recipes to make myself. Besides I’ve always heard “If Yan can cook , so can you!” So, my first attempt at home made Chinese is Red-Simmered Chicken wings .

Serves 4 – 8

8 whole Chicken Wings

3 Green Onions

¼ cup Soy Sauce

¼ cup Cooking Sherry

½ cup Water

2 tbsp. Brown Sugar

Chop off bony wing tips, and then cut chicken wings in half. To avoid this work it is pretty common to find already halved wings. Cut the green onions into one inch pieces. Place wings and green onions in a large pan/skillet with soy sauce, sherry, water, and brown sugar. Bring it to a boil, then reduce to a simmer over medium-low heat and cover for 30 minutes. Uncover and cook another 15 minutes, stirring and basting frequently. Remove the wings from the pan, and put in the refrigerator to chill. (Chilling Optional*)

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