Is diet soda bad for you? : Dr. Jacqueline Gerhart:

Is diet soda bad for you? : Dr. Jacqueline Gerhart

“Is diet soda really bad for you? Friends tell me this
all the time but since I drink soda that has no calories and no
caffeine I can’t see what’s wrong with it.”

Our society seems to run on sugar. Much of this comes from soft
drinks (termed “soda” or “pop” depending on what region of the
country — or the state — you live in). Our country produces 10.4
billion gallons of soft drinks each year. That’s enough to serve
every American a 12-ounce can every day, 365 days a year.

In trying to get my patients to improve their health, I always
recommend that they decrease the amount of sugar they eat, and cut
down on the soft drinks. The initial switch to diet soda from
regular soda (assuming you don’t change your calorie intake or
exercise level), should decrease your weight. But do diet beverages
keep the weight off? Are they healthy for you?

A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine
addresses whether we should think more about food type rather than
just reducing calories. The study looked at more than 100,000
healthy, non-obese individuals, and monitored the types of food
they ate, regardless of the calories they took in. The study showed
that weight gain was most associated with potato chips, potatoes,
sugar-sweetened beverages, unprocessed red meats, and processed
meats, whereas vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and yogurt
consistently decreased weight. It also studied diet soda. They
found no difference in weight between those who drank diet soda and
those who did not. In other words, it wasn’t shown that people
either lose or gain weight on diet soda long-term.

There is some evidence against diet soda. A study from Purdue
University showed that rats eating food sweetened with saccharin
took in more calories and gained more weight than rats fed sugar.
Another study in San Antonio showed that those who averaged three
or more artificially sweetened beverages a day were more likely to
have gained weight over an eight-year period than those who didn’t
drink artificially sweetened beverages. A study from the University
of California-San Diego compared MRI brain images of humans that
took small sips of sugar water with those who sipped sucralose
water. Sugar activated the “food reward centers” of the brain while
sucralose did not. This could mean that you may not feel as
satisfied when you consume artificially sweetened foods and
beverages. In addition, there is some evidence that certain
sweeteners can lead to kidney abnormalities or changes in your

On the positive side of things, diet beverages are less caloric,
and give you less sugar. While sugar-sweetened beverages increase
one’s risk for diabetes, diet beverages have not been linked nearly
as consistently. Some studies hint that the sweetener stevia may
have added benefit for patients with hypertension or diabetes.
Also, the FDA has approved aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), saccharin
(Sweet’N Low), and sucralose (Splenda), and stevia was deemed
“generally recognized as safe” in 2009.

So, if your diet soda is replacing your regular sugar-filled
soda habit, then you are likely decreasing your chances of
diabetes. But, if it is your daily drink of choice, I would suggest
putting down the can, bottle, or 48-oz mega cup, and picking up a
glass of good old-fashioned water.

Here’s to your health!

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How Morning Snacking Could Damage Your Diet

How Morning Snacking Could Damage Your Diet

Snacking between breakfast and lunch might ding your diet more than snacking at other times of the day, a new study suggests.

Women taking part in a weight loss study who ate a midmorning snack lost an average of 7 percent of their body weight over the course of a year, whereas women who did not snack before lunch lost 11 percent of their body weight.

The urge to grab a snack during the relatively short time between breakfast and lunch could be a sign of generally less healthy eating, the researchers said.

Midmorning snacking “might be a reflection of recreational or mindless eating habits, rather than eating to satisfy true hunger,” said study researcher Anne McTiernan, director of the prevention center at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

The study is published online Nov. 25 in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Morning munching

The study included 123 overweight and obese women between the ages of 50 and 75. The participants were taking part in a larger study designed to help them lose weight, and to examine the effects of diet and exercise on breast cancer.

While 97 percent of the women reported eating snacks daily, only 19 percent reported snacking between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.  (The most common time for snacking among study participants was the afternoon — 76 percent reported snacking between 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.)

Women who snacked in the morning were more likely to snack more frequently throughout the day. The study showed that 47.8 percent of those who ate a midmorning snack reported they ate three or more snacks daily, while 38.9 percent of women who ate a snack in the evening reported eating that many snacks.

In general, eating healthy snacks can help dieters reach their goals by staving off hunger, the researchers said.

“Snacking could be part of a dieter’s toolkit, if they’re eating in response to true hunger,” McTiernan said.

But instead, studies have found that eating habits in the U.S. are changing — eating is increasingly influenced by cues other than hunger, and people are eating more frequently, the study said. In other words, eating is becoming more “mindless.”

And the problem with that is that mindless snacking racks up extra calories, but doesn’t mean that we’ll eat any less at our next meal, according to the study.

Healthy snacking

A study published this month showed that people who snack have diets that are slightly healthier overall than people who don’t snack. Snackers ate more fruit and more whole grains than people who didn’t eat snacks, that study found.

Moreover, in the new study, women who reported eating two or three snacks per day had higher fiber intakes than women who ate one or no snacks per day. And those who snacked in the afternoon had higher fruit and vegetable intakes than those who didn’t.

“Individuals undergoing dietary weight-loss programs should be educated on ways to healthfully incorporate snacks into the diet,” the researchers wrote in the conclusion of the study.

Pass it on: Feeling the urge to eat a snack before lunchtime might be a sign that your eating habits are not as healthy as they could be. 

This story was provided by MyHealthNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook.

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Jamie's Italian, Westfield Stratford


Jamie Oliver - The Naked Chef

Jamie’s Italian, Westfield Stratford

On a sunny Sunday my two fellow diners and I entered Jamie’s Italian at Westfield Stratford.  Our main reason for choosing Jamie’s for lunch was that none of us had dined there before and were eager to sample the menu of delights.

Although we had to wait for a table we didn’t mind having the opportunity to sit at the bar and order coffees. We were told the wait would be ten to fifteen minutes but was instead only five at the most.

We opted for the nibbles, antipasti and sides to share between the three of us. The crispy squid (£5.75) was fresh and was joined by a garlic mayo sauce. Italian Nachos (£3.55) were crispy fried small ravioli parcels with a spicy sauce. Although nice, unless I had reread the menu description I would not have known these were made with four cheeses as there was not a lot of flavour to the them and the spicy sauce was definitely needed to boost the dish. The Posh Chips (£3.25) were flavoured with truffle oil and parmesan. Although drizzled with oil, we could not taste the truffle; the parmesan added that extra flavour to what is simply a bucket of chips. Crispy Stuffed Rice Balls (£4.95) were praised by all of us with the crispy coating complimented by the soft smoked mozzarella and porcini arancini contents. Our favourite dish was the side of Radicchio and Rocket Salad (£3.25) with aged balsamic and shaved Parmesan. The leaves were very fresh and the dressing was superb.

Our least favourite dish was the Sicilian Spaghetti Fritter (£4.50). This was very dry with not much flavour and needed the accompanying sauce, which had a nice spicy kick. On reflection the concept of fried spaghetti was certainly an unusual choice and probably wouldn’t be repeated.

We had to ask for our forgotten Selection of Italian Breads (£3.75) order but once they arrived we all agreed that they were a good choice with olive oil and rosemary flavours fusing together nicely.

The menu offers something for everyone whether it is light dishes to share or a three course lunch. Our shared dishes certainly reflected the concept of Jamie’s Italian to relax and share affordable food. I enjoyed the simple table settings with rustic plates and none fussy glassware and the fresh ingredients. The obvious passion for food from the chefs is reflected in the dishes which were all presented beautifully on the plates. The non-flustered and friendly attitude of the waiters added to the occasion and we certainly did not feel pressure to give up the table once we couldn’t eat another bite.

Perhaps our expectations of Jamie’s Italian were a little too high. Don’t get me wrong we were not expecting the man himself to be cooking up meatballs in the kitchen whilst shouting “Mama Mia” or greeting us at the door with a friendly “Ciao”. We were however expecting slightly fuller flavours; we were not expecting items of dirty cutlery on a freshly set table nor the long wait we had for our orders to arrive, especially as they were relatively simple dishes.


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Beltway Brewery: This beer is for you


Beltway Brewery: This beer is for you

Like many amateur beermakers, Sten Sellier of Sterling seeks to turn a hobby into a vocation by opening his own brewery.

What’s unique about his business plan, however, is that he has no intention of marketing his own beer brands. No Sten’s Stout, no Loudoun County Lager. Sellier’s Beltway Brewing Co. will be strictly a brewery beer for hire. If you’re a restaurateur who wants a unique house label, or a microbrewery that’s maxed out on tank space or a would-be beer baron who wants to test the market, Sellier will happily rent out his brew kettle and fermenters so you can mix your barley and hops for your beer.

Many breweries fill up unused tanks by making other people’s beer, and at least one microbrewery, Custom Brewcrafters in Honeoye Falls, N.Y., was specifically founded to custom-brew beer for local restaurants. But all of them — even Custom Brewcrafters — brew their own beer as well.

“We want to convince our customers that we’re here to help them, not just fill capacity until our own brand takes off,” explains Sellier.

The idea, Sellier says, was born of his own experience. An engineer by trade (“my last job was selling conveyor systems for warehouses”), he’s been an enthusiastic homebrewer for 10 years. “I said to myself, ‘I ought to find a way to make a living off of this.’ So I called a number of breweries and asked, ‘Can you make my recipe for me?’ They either said no or they set so many stipulations that it wasn’t worth it.”

A recurring problem was that brewery systems produced far more beer — 50, 100, 200 barrels at a time — than a beginner could realistically warehouse or sell. The smallest minimum batch was 20 barrels, cited by DC Brau. That’s still a lot of liquid — more than 7,000 12-ounce glasses worth.

Sellier plans to start small, with a 3- to 5-barrel system. “Then, as I reel in financing, I’ll add a 20-barrel system and larger tanks.”

He doesn’t intend his business to be a brew-on-premise for amateurs like the defunct Sheandoah Brewing Co. was, but if some homebrewers want to make a few barrels for a wedding or other special occasions, he won’t turn them down.

Sellier says he’s swapped e-mails with a few well-known “gypsy” brewers who are looking for host breweries closer to their main markets. Beltway Brewing, however, is still in its gestation stage. Its Web site is currently under construction. Sellier hasn’t even secured a location yet, and he’s just starting to raise the $2 million he estimates that the project will cost. Realistically, he says, he’s looking at a late 2012 startup.

But he did get one encouraging piece of news recently. He submitted his business plan to the Loudoun County Small Business Development Center, which holds an annual contest for prospective entrepreneurs. “Lo and behold, I won first place for a local business model.”

Sellier’s plan highlights some of the more vexing problems facing the craft brewing industry — where to find the capacity to meet burgeoning demand, and how to get beer to market most efficiently.

Plans to Expand

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., which was supposed to announce a site for an East Coast branch brewery back in August, still appears stuck at the starting gate. The Virginia location that Sierra Nevada was eyeing, in an industrial park in Christiansburg, not far from Roanoke, has reportedly been taken over by, an online dealer in outdoor clothing and goods. Sierra Nevada’s communications coordinator Bill Manley declined to comment on Virginia but did say that a proposed site in Blount County, Tenn., once thought to be the top prospect, is definitely out of the running.

“The tax laws there were a little tough for us,” commented Manley, “and the humidity was also a factor.” He added: “We have a handful of sites we’re looking at. They keep coming in and dropping off.”

Meanwhile, Schlafly Brewing Co., whose St. Louis plant is expected to reach full capacity next year, has entered into a partnership with two brewpub owners who are setting up off-site breweries to supply the off-premise market. Blackstone Brewery in Nashville is up and running; Backpocket Brewing Co. in Iowa City, Iowa, is set to go online in third quarter 2012.

“In both cases, our partners have made the investment and own the sites. We have provided technical expertise in design, construction, startup and ongoing production,” said Schlafly co-founder Dan Kopman. In return, both breweries will split production between their own beer and Schlafly brands.

Can you say time-share brewery?

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Tapas Valencia Helps Feed Those in Need on Thanksgiving


Tapas Valencia Helps Feed Those in Need on Thanksgiving

The interior of Tapas Valencia.
Lots and lots of restaurants do some sort of charity thing for Thanksgiving – the proceeds from a cocktail, 5 percent of one night’s sales – and given the small profit margins of most restaurants, it’s actually quite a contribution. But, when a restaurant really goes the extra mile for the holidays, we’re very impressed. Tapas Valencia has gone that extra mile, and opened up the entire restaurant for Thanksgiving to feed those in need.

We first heard about this from 2nd Ward Ald. Bob Fioretti, who encouraged anyone who knew of people in need to contact Tapas Valencia, located in the South Loop. We got in touch with the restaurant to learn more.

“Our Thanksgiving tradition began ten years ago. We saw an opportunity to express our appreciation for our successes by opening our doors to those in need. Whether that need be financial, emotional, or physical, on this day of “Thanks”, we welcome them into our family and treat them with the best of service and the utmost of respect.

The first year, very few believed in the idea of our free meal. We served about 300 guests that year with a fully plated meal including salad and the traditional turkey spread complete with pumpkin pie as well as their choice of a beer, wine, or soft drink. Since then, word has spread and over the past three years, we have provided our Thanksgiving meal to almost 2,000 guests each year.”

If you are in need of a little help, or know someone who can’t afford Thanksgiving for themselves, call (312) 842-4444. Spots have been filling up fast, but they may be able to fit you in at the last minute. Thanks, Tapas Valencia – and Happy Thanksgiving.

Tapas Valencia is located at 1530 S. State St.

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Strewth: Aussies Couldn't Give A XXXX For Beer


Strewth: Aussies Couldn’t Give A XXXX For Beer

Australians may have a reputation as beer lovers who like nothing more than a cold lager in the hot sunshine but it appears that image is on the decline.

Traditional beer sales are dropping as Australians are tempted not only by wine but by an increasingly varied range of other alcoholic drinks like trendy ciders and locally brewed ales.

Beer consumption per head has now slumped to a 60 year low according to recent figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

It was the Foster’s TV ads of the 1980′s featuring actor Paul Hogan as the stereotypical Aussie bloke, which helped plant the image of Australian men being huge fans of the “amber nectar”.

However even that iconic Australian brewer has hit on tough times and Foster’s now looks set to be sold to a London based company, SABMiller.

The Australian government has just approved SABMiller’s multi-million pound takeover of Foster’s, although it has insisted certain areas of Foster’s operations must stay within Australia.

The trend away from traditional beer on tap is also being seen in the many smaller, more intimate European style bars which are becoming increasingly common in Australia’s towns and cities.

Flynn Hannam runs a bar in Brisbane specialising in cider.

He told Sky News he has noticed a huge shift from Australians sticking to one type of beer to now being more adventurous.

“The Australian male used to do just that, drink one beer their whole life, that classic lager. But now they’re being exposed to more drinks, more spirits, more craft beers and definitely more ciders.”

The traditional ‘six pack’ of cold tinnies must not be written off just yet though.

Brewers are however having to diversify to make sure they are keeping up with customers’ changing tastes.

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Coffee -Drinking Provides Raw Sewage Red Flag


Coffee -Drinking Provides Raw Sewage Red Flag

How many cups of coffee have you had today? A new study finds that your caffeine habit could provide a red flag to alert authorities of sewer leaks and overflows.

About 3 percent of caffeine from coffee, chocolate, tea and energy drinks ends up in the sewer system, excreted through human urine. In urban areas where the only source of caffeine is human urine, high levels of the compound in rivers or other bodies of water (where human urine and feces should not be present) are signs of contamination by fecal coliform bacteria, the new research finds.

“If fecal coliforms come from human sewage, they will come with caffeine,” study researcher Sébastien Sauvé, an environmental chemist at the University of Montreal, told LiveScience. “So if we find caffeine, that means it came from sanitary contamination.”

Having caffeine as a marker of contamination is important, Sauvé said, because fecal coliform bacteria can also make its way into waterways via the feces of cats, dogs and wild animals. Leftover caffeine tells wastewater experts they have a problem with the sewer system rather than simply too many geese by the river. [10 Deadly Diseases that Hopped Across Species]

Caffeine in the water

Sauvé and his colleagues took 120 water samples on the Island of Montreal in June and October 2008, both during dry and wet weather each of those months. Like many municipal water systems, part of Montreal’s is a combined system in which human sewage and rain run-off end up in the same place, Sauvé said. When it rains too much, raw sewage can overflow into waterways.

“What people sometimes forget is if the system is overflowing it’s not overflowing at the wastewater treatment plant, it’s overflowing from everywhere,” Sauvé said. “It’s not a good idea having it overflowing in the river, but it still is better than overflowing in the basements of people’s [homes].”

Fecal coliforms aren’t always easy to analyze, so Sauvé and his colleagues were searching for other compounds that might stand in as a red flag that these nasty bacteria are present. They tested for two compounds, caffeine and carbamazepine, an anti-seizure medication that is an appealing marker because it degrades very slowly in the environment.

Sewer problems

The analysis revealed that carbamazepine and fecal coliform counts weren’t linked, perhaps because the drug is taken by relatively few people, Sauvé said. In contrast, he said, “it’s probably very difficult to find one home or two homes where there isn’t one person taking coffee, tea, Coke, chocolate, or some medication that contains caffeine or energy drinks.”

Sure enough, the researchers found that if caffeine appeared in the water at levels of 400 nanograms per liter — about the equivalent of four cups of coffee dumped into an Olympic-size swimming pool — levels of fecal coliform were always above 200 colony-forming units per 100 milliliters of water. That’s the level that Canada has set as unsafe for humans to swim or bathe in. In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency considers 235 colony-forming units per 100 milliliters to be unsafe.

Caffeine wasn’t a perfect marker for fecal coliform, Sauvé said. Sometimes, water with lower or nonexistent levels of caffeine is still contaminated, possibly from wildlife feces. But the caffeine marker could be used to figure out when sewer repairs are necessary, he said.

“If there is fecal coliform that comes from ducks, you still don’t want to go and bathe in that lake or pond,” Sauvé said. “But in terms of what needs to be done, if it’s cross-connected sewers and you find a lot of caffeine it means that the sewage system isn’t put into place properly and you need to find out where the problem is.”

The researchers reported their work online Nov. 8 in the journal Chemosphere.

You can follow LiveScience senior writer Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

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3 Natural Herbs for Menstrual Pain

3 Natural Herbs for Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain is a dreaded symptom of the menstrual cycle for some women. While over-the-counter medications can help to ease pain, they also can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract when taken in excess. Herbs for menstrual pain such as valerian and skullcap are a natural alternative to these medications. These herbs can help to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps while also relaxing the nervous system and supplying the body with nutrients.

While it is always important to talk to your doctor before using herbal medicine, these herbs are a natural, nourishing solution for pain. The next time that you want to reduce cramping, try a cup or two of soothing herbal tea.

Valerian Root

Dried valerian root makes a potent herbal infusion for promoting relaxation and easing pain. It acts as a gentle sedative on the nervous system, easing any tension or stress, which will only exacerbate pain. Valerian also has anti-spasmodic properties, making it a useful herb for menstrual pain as well as for muscle cramps. It is a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients, including iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

Incredibly relaxing, a cup of valerian herbal tea is best enjoyed in the evening. Drink one to two cups to relieve menstrual cramps. If possible, drink a cup as soon as you feel cramps coming on. Do not mix valerian with alcohol.


Skullcap is another powerful herb for pain relief and for easing nerves. It tones the nervous system, easing anxiety and pre-menstrual tension. As an analgesic and anti-spasmodic herb, skullcap effectively reduces pain and cramping.

Drink skullcap tea on its own for pain relief or combine with valerian root. The two herbs blend well together for a more dynamic effect.

Pasque Flower

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Buying Herbs Online – Green Tea Benefits Immune System

Buying Herbs Online – Green Tea Benefits Immune System

Green tea a popular health alternative

One currently popular green tea in your nearby grocery superstore is Hoodia tea. Hoodia with green tea is a green tea supplement which is used universally not only to help with weight loss and physically improve the body, but as well to prevent and even cure diseases. The ingredient hoodia itself is not green tea, hoodia is only one ingredient and its only purpose is to decrease appetite.

The green tea extract is the valuable health ingredient in this product. 

The way that Hoodia with green tea works is that it uses the green tea extract to clear your body of any toxins, so that you may almost immediately begin to feel results after starting on the product since you will feel refreshed and healthier. Pure green tea is a very healthy alternative to other popular drinks.

It is all the antioxidants that are present from the green tea extract that helps your body develop a healthy immune system. Used as a preventative method Green tea extract works against diseases such as the common cold, the flu, and serious ones, such as cancer. It is definitely a drink of choice for those seeking a healthy immune system.

You must understand though the green tea extract in Hoodia Tea let alone any other mass produced grocery store product – is not concentrated enough to actually cure or prevent something as serious as cancer. Yes, there are claims that it has been proven to help treat cancer and those who take green tea extract regularly are considered to be at much less risk of getting cancer later on in their life.

Buying herbs online- How will you know if a herbal product is pure? 

There are widespread reports of counterfeit hoodia products. Mike Adams of News Target, estimates that 80% of hoodia products are contaminated or counterfeit. It’s impossible to know if a hoodia product contains pure hoodia and the active ingredient, unless it has been tested by an independent laboratory.
The best answer to being safe is to always err on the cautious side. Whether purchasing at a herb store or purchasing herbs online make certain you are dealing with a creditable herb manufacture. We have done that for you at by ensuring that our sponsors are accredited long term businesses and they comply with food and health regulations set by government.

Green Tea Options

There are many options that you have in this regards to the selection of green teas, you have many other choices as well. Green tea pills, cold and hot green tea drinks, and green tea supplements of almost any shape and color are but a few of the options . One such option is a green tea product from Native remedies. Bio-Oxidate Defense™

Ingredients of   Bio-Oxidate Defense™

Bio-Oxidate Defense contains a selection of herbs high in antioxidant properties that are well-known for their supportive function in maintaining healthy cellular processes. It is  a 100% herbal formula and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage: Grape seed extract, Green tea, Rooibos, Resveratrol.

Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis)

Used as a supportive tonic and has powerful anti-oxidant properties, mainly due to its superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic properties. SOD is an enzyme in the body that is especially designed to neutralize unstable oxygen molecules (free radicals) as soon as they occur, and systemic SOD can therefore help to promote health. (Standley L, Winterton P, Marnewick JL, et al. “Influence of processing stages on antimutagenic and antioxidant potentials of rooibos tea”. J Agric Food Chem 2001;49:114–7). D1997;11(Suppl. 3):128–30.)

Grape seed extract (vitis vinifera)

Is a potent natural source of proanthocyanidins and of pycnogenols a naturally powerful antioxidant. The way in which these versatile compounds are distinct from flavonoids is their simple chemical structure, which allows them to be readily absorbed into the bloodstream. OPC’s are also active against both fat and water-soluble oxidants. Simonetti P, Ciappellano S, Gardana C, Bramati L, Pietta P. “Procyanidins from Vitis vinifera seeds: in vivo effects on oxidative stress”. J Agric Food Chem. 2002 Oct 9;50(21):6217-21). Grape seed extract has also been investigated for its affect on free radicals and thus its promotion of health. Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Stohs SJ, Das DK, Ray SD, Kuszynski CA, Joshi SS, Pruess HG. “Free radicals and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract: importance in human health and disease prevention”. Toxicology. 2000 Aug 7;148(2-3):187-97.)

Green tea (Camellia sinensis)

Is the tea plant, the plant species whose leaves and leaf buds are used to produce tea. White tea, green tea, oolong and black tea are all harvested from this species, but are processed differently to attain different levels of oxidation. Green tea contains levels of substances called catechin polyphenols, known to possess strong antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antitumorigenic, and even antibiotic properties.


Is a naturally occurring hydroxystilbene identified in over seventy plant species.

These ingredients combined  in the product Bio-Oxidate Defense support  the body’s ability to fight harmful free radicals, thereby helping to maintain routine healthy performance of bodily systems.
Get more info on Bio-Oxidate Defense – Support cell integrity with natural antioxidants

When you are aware of the positive benefits that good quality green tea brings, and you know a creditable herb manufacturer like Native Remedies, then you should have no problems with using it in its purest and at its most effective level of concentration. When you purchase herbs online from credible established herbal companies like Native Remedies, you will be able to buy green teas and other herbs online with confidence knowing that they are safe and that they give you the greatest benefit that green tea can give.

One thing alone cannot make you healthy.

When buying herbs online remember that no one thing can make or keep you healthy so be sure that you are also including a healthy and nutritious diet and plenty of physical exercise regularly, so that green tea can work for you to support your healthy lifestyle .

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A Wine For Wall Street This Season, 'The Prisoner'


A Wine For Wall Street This Season, ‘The Prisoner’

When wine maker Dave Phinney was looking for a label for his latest Zinfandel blended wine, he looked no further than an etching by Spanish artist Francisco Jose de Goya (1746-1828).  The piece was given to him by his educated, and cultured, parents when he was 12 years old.  Years later, in 2000, it became the inspiration for the label of his award winning wine, The Prisoner…named after Goya’s etching, La Petite Prisonier.

I spoke with Bryan Dante Sandoli, long time general manager at Phinney’s Orin-Swift Cellars, which makes the wine and is located in St. Helena, CA.  ”I met Dave (Phinney) after my wife (then girlfriend – Karen Williams now with Acme Fine Wines) told me about a guy who came into her shop in St. Helena where she was a wine buyer,”  he told me in a phone interview.  Phinney had produced 285 cases of The Prisoner in 2000 after working for other wineries in the area and needed an outlet.  ”My wife tasted it and said, ‘we’ll take it all.’”  Soon after that Sandoli met with Phinney and decided to join the talented wine maker.  Wine production was 72,000 cases for the 2010 The Prisoner, so their working relationship has paid off.

“I handle a large portion of the business end while Dave is the artist and creator of our products and ventures,” Sandoli said.  ”Right now, Dave is in France and Spain working on another project and I assist in keeping things running here.”

Phinney had aspirations of becoming a lawyer, majoring in Political Science at the University of Arizona.  However, a love of wines started with a study abroad program in 1996 while he was in Florence, Italy.  Bringing his idea and passion back to the states was a bit of a problem since the university is located in Tucson…not noted as the best wine country.  After graduation he went to California and started by working on the harvest night crew in 1997 and learned the trade from the ground up.  He is now calling his own shots in the business.

“We run a tight ship and control our costs with our small staff of 5,” Sandoli told me.  ”Dave chooses the grapes, makes the picking time decision (an art onto itself) and makes the blend.  We then work with select wineries in the area where we make the wine..  The model has worked great.”

There are plenty of people celebrating the holidays with a good wine and my recommendation is to share it over a bottle of The Prisoner.  I’ve never been good at describing a wine other than “I’d buy that one again”, but I found WineGeeks had the following review of the wine that resonated with me:

“It is a hedonistic blend of Zinfandel, Cabernet, Syrah, Petite Sirah, Charbono, a Kitchen Sink, Grenache and a steering wheel from a ’68 Cuda.”

I’m in.  Here’s my review after tasting it, “I’ll DEFINITELY buy it again.”

Lawyers are always wondering what to get that client who is about to do some time in Club Fed for a white-collar crime.  My recommendation is to give and share a bottle of The Prisoner with that client and put things in perspective…at least you got your health.  The Prisoner runs about $38 a bottle, which is nothing compared to the fees he/she paid the lawyers to end up in prison anyway.  For many lawyers in New York, I would recommend buying a few cases.

Happy Holidays!

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