Recipe: Macadamia Maple Tart recommends these products


Recipe: Macadamia Maple Tart

You’ll go nuts over this delicious tart which has it all – rich shortcrust pastry, that elusive Maple syrup flavour and crunchy nutritious Macadamia nuts.

Make your own shortcrust pastry if you have the time – nothing beats a delicious buttery home-made pastry tart case.

2 cups plain flour (sifted)
175 gms butter (cold)
1 egg yolk
Iced water to mix

A food processor is the easiest way to go.
Put the sifted flour in the processor and add the diced butter.
Process with on/off action until mixture is crumbly.
Add the egg yolk and about a tablespoon iced water.
Continue on/off action then leave processor on to judge whether a few more drops of iced water are needed to bring the pastry into a ball.

Wrap in cling wrap, flatten into a rough circle and refrigerate until needed.

Shortcrust pastry (above) or 1 sheet unsweetened shortcrust pastry
3 large eggs
Three-qtrs cup of soft brown sugar
1 tspn vanilla extract or vanilla paste
One-third cup pure Maple syrup
60gms melted butter – cooled
2 cups (or more) Macadamia nuts to cover top
Icing sugar to dust
Thick cream to serve

Preheat oven to 180deg C.
Grease a 25cm flan tin with removable bottom.
Roll out pastry between two sheets of clingwrap then line tin, pressing gently into base and sides and trimming top evenly.
Make sure edges are of even thickness. Prick base with fork and chill 15 mins.
Line the tart case with baking paper and uncooked rice (kept for the purpose) or pastry weights.
Blind bake for 5 mins.
Remove paper and weights then bake for a further 5-10 mins or until base is dry and crisp.
Meanwhile whisk or process eggs, brown sugar, vanilla, maple syrup and butter to combine.
Pour mixture into tart shell and place the Macadamia nuts evenly over the tart covering the whole of the top.
Return tart to the oven and bake for a further 25 minutes or more until the pastry is golden and the centre is set and firm to touch.
Cool in the pan until able to handle.
Dust with sifted icing sugar.
Serve in wedges with thick cream.
Serves 8-10.
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