Tapas Valencia Helps Feed Those in Need on Thanksgiving

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Tapas Valencia Helps Feed Those in Need on Thanksgiving

The interior of Tapas Valencia.
Lots and lots of restaurants do some sort of charity thing for Thanksgiving – the proceeds from a cocktail, 5 percent of one night’s sales – and given the small profit margins of most restaurants, it’s actually quite a contribution. But, when a restaurant really goes the extra mile for the holidays, we’re very impressed. Tapas Valencia has gone that extra mile, and opened up the entire restaurant for Thanksgiving to feed those in need.

We first heard about this from 2nd Ward Ald. Bob Fioretti, who encouraged anyone who knew of people in need to contact Tapas Valencia, located in the South Loop. We got in touch with the restaurant to learn more.

“Our Thanksgiving tradition began ten years ago. We saw an opportunity to express our appreciation for our successes by opening our doors to those in need. Whether that need be financial, emotional, or physical, on this day of “Thanks”, we welcome them into our family and treat them with the best of service and the utmost of respect.

The first year, very few believed in the idea of our free meal. We served about 300 guests that year with a fully plated meal including salad and the traditional turkey spread complete with pumpkin pie as well as their choice of a beer, wine, or soft drink. Since then, word has spread and over the past three years, we have provided our Thanksgiving meal to almost 2,000 guests each year.”

If you are in need of a little help, or know someone who can’t afford Thanksgiving for themselves, call (312) 842-4444. Spots have been filling up fast, but they may be able to fit you in at the last minute. Thanks, Tapas Valencia – and Happy Thanksgiving.

Tapas Valencia is located at 1530 S. State St.

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