Strewth: Aussies Couldn't Give A XXXX For Beer recommends these products


Strewth: Aussies Couldn’t Give A XXXX For Beer

Australians may have a reputation as beer lovers who like nothing more than a cold lager in the hot sunshine but it appears that image is on the decline.

Traditional beer sales are dropping as Australians are tempted not only by wine but by an increasingly varied range of other alcoholic drinks like trendy ciders and locally brewed ales.

Beer consumption per head has now slumped to a 60 year low according to recent figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

It was the Foster’s TV ads of the 1980′s featuring actor Paul Hogan as the stereotypical Aussie bloke, which helped plant the image of Australian men being huge fans of the “amber nectar”.

However even that iconic Australian brewer has hit on tough times and Foster’s now looks set to be sold to a London based company, SABMiller.

The Australian government has just approved SABMiller’s multi-million pound takeover of Foster’s, although it has insisted certain areas of Foster’s operations must stay within Australia.

The trend away from traditional beer on tap is also being seen in the many smaller, more intimate European style bars which are becoming increasingly common in Australia’s towns and cities.

Flynn Hannam runs a bar in Brisbane specialising in cider.

He told Sky News he has noticed a huge shift from Australians sticking to one type of beer to now being more adventurous.

“The Australian male used to do just that, drink one beer their whole life, that classic lager. But now they’re being exposed to more drinks, more spirits, more craft beers and definitely more ciders.”

The traditional ‘six pack’ of cold tinnies must not be written off just yet though.

Brewers are however having to diversify to make sure they are keeping up with customers’ changing tastes.

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