3 Natural Herbs for Menstrual Pain

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3 Natural Herbs for Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain is a dreaded symptom of the menstrual cycle for some women. While over-the-counter medications can help to ease pain, they also can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract when taken in excess. Herbs for menstrual pain such as valerian and skullcap are a natural alternative to these medications. These herbs can help to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps while also relaxing the nervous system and supplying the body with nutrients.

While it is always important to talk to your doctor before using herbal medicine, these herbs are a natural, nourishing solution for pain. The next time that you want to reduce cramping, try a cup or two of soothing herbal tea.

Valerian Root

Dried valerian root makes a potent herbal infusion for promoting relaxation and easing pain. It acts as a gentle sedative on the nervous system, easing any tension or stress, which will only exacerbate pain. Valerian also has anti-spasmodic properties, making it a useful herb for menstrual pain as well as for muscle cramps. It is a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients, including iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

Incredibly relaxing, a cup of valerian herbal tea is best enjoyed in the evening. Drink one to two cups to relieve menstrual cramps. If possible, drink a cup as soon as you feel cramps coming on. Do not mix valerian with alcohol.


Skullcap is another powerful herb for pain relief and for easing nerves. It tones the nervous system, easing anxiety and pre-menstrual tension. As an analgesic and anti-spasmodic herb, skullcap effectively reduces pain and cramping.

Drink skullcap tea on its own for pain relief or combine with valerian root. The two herbs blend well together for a more dynamic effect.

Pasque Flower

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