Warning issued over black market fish operation
A word of warning to businesses in Auckland and Tauranga who deal in fish.
Fisheries officers have busted a suspected black market operation, accused of selling more than 12 tonnes of snapper illegally, over the past two months.
A fishing vessel has been seized, and charges are likely to be laid.
Ministry spokesman Brendon Mikkelsen is warning takeaway bars and the like, they shouldn’t buy any fish without the right documentation.
“I think any non-licenced fish receiver, takeaway restaurant, that deals in fish should, as a matter of course, be expecting an invoice, or certainly documentation” he says.
Mr Mikkelson says investigations are continuing into the receivers of the undeclared fish.
Meanwhile, North Island restaurants are moving to assure diners the fish and seafood they serve is sustainable – and legally – harvested.
Restaurant Association president, Mike Egan, says it’s likely to have gone to budget cafes and takeaway shops which aren’t wholly legitimate operations.
“Restaurants take buying their fish and seafood very, very seriously. The New Zealand fisheries authorities have huge powers and inspect all of our fish & seafood and demand, quite rightly, legitimate documentation from where we sourced it from,” he says.
Mr Egan says most restaurants encourage and appreciate the strict laws the Ministry of Fisheries employ in this country.
The seafood industry is welcoming news authorities have nabbed a large scale black market fishing operation.
Seafood Industry Council CEO, Peter Bodecker says while it’s worrying such large black market networks are operating, it’s a good sign authorities have made the bust.
“The whole process is designed to operate efficiently, to protect the fish in the sea, and also to make sure that there is a living for those people who are doing it honestly,” he says.
Mr Bodecker says they’re not unhappy that rogue elements of the industry are taken out of action.
By Laura Heathcote and Nicola Grigg
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